Help!!! Something wrong with my oscar!!

Mar 1, 2003
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I'm not real experienced with having fish, but i have had my oscar for about 8 months now. It's got something happening to it. It's like he got attacked by something that took a chuck out of him. It's hard to describe so i took a pic of the fish and the medicine i bought today. I figured this would be a good site to tell me what is up and if the medicine i got is gonna help.

Just copy and paste the Url

Pic of fish.

Pick of medicine.


Mar 1, 2003
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I have a plectumous (what ever that fish is that sucks on the glass eating all the alge off) and it's in a 30 gallon tank. I know that is a small tank for him, but he isn't huge yet (i got him when he was real small) and i have to get rid of him in 4 months when i move anyway. So i'm not getting a bigger tank for 4 months.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I would say that it is very unlikely that the pl*co would do that to your oscar unless he is very large, even then probably wouldnt. From the smaller marks on the side of the head, it appears that he has scratched himself on the gravel in the tank or possably some other decoration in the tank. I know that mine does get jumpy and skittish at times and jerk about violently when ever he is frightened. That could have been what happened. Another possability is that your oscar has some type of external parisite. Do some research on diseases and see if he has any of the symtoms. I know that when a fish has certian types of parisites that they are prone to 'scratch' on the gravel, decorations, and the side of the aquarium.
The melafix will help, you also might want to consider adding some aquarium salt to help ward off any infection setting in.

Hope this helps and good luck.