Help Stocking a 75 Gallon


Medium Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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Hi, as many of you may know, I am buying a 75 gallon tank and can't decide what kind of SA/CA cichlids to put in. The tank messures 48"x18"x20", and I hear that it's a good size to start with. My problem is that there are many fish that I like, but I don't want to fall into the trap of keeping 10 aggressive cichlids in a 75 gallon. I would like the fish or fishes to be personable, active and colourful. Anything from semi-aggressive to nasty is ok wih me. Any stocking suggestions will be valued greatly. Thanks!


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
the jack dempsey is a central american cichlid, so do you just mean central/south american cichlids that are large and aggressive?

jacks would be good for a 75 gallon, you could do convicts, firemouths, a green terror, etc.

the only fish that i would avoid either due to severe aggression and/or large size would be red-devils, midas, managuense, dovii, black-belts..... that's all i can think of right now. all of these (save the dovii) would probably do ok in your tank ALONE, but not with tankmates. HTH

May 27, 2003
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I would definently start with some Jack's, Firemouths, Green Terro's, Orcars and stuff like that. Like the other guy said stay away from the Red Devils. I tried it and all I got for my efforts were three dead fish. All of them were bigger than the Red. So start with the mildly aggressive Cichlids like the ones I mention before if you want more than 1 or 2 fish in the tank. Another thing is make sure you have the tank set up where they have places to hide just incase one of them becomes very aggresive.