HELP!!! Threadfin Rainbows Dying!!!

My threadfin rainbows are dying. After I release them from the bag (from the store), they get chased by my orange tetra. They go and hide by the filter, get stuck in the filter, and tear their fins. The filter throws them helplessly around the tank until they die... (and I have a weak filter)
Help ASAP!!!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
What is an orange tetra? If it is a serpae, they have a tendency to nip at long-finned fish. Or, is it another kind of tetra? Some can be a little nippy (especially as you say it chased your rainbows). Are there any signs of fin damage on the rainbows that is making them have difficulty swimming?

Yeah... The orange tetra chases it, it gets stressed, and hides by the filter. He gets stuck in the filter, and then tye rainbows fins get damaged, then it can't swim, and it gets tossed around by the current from the filter. I put him in a protected area, but he kept akwardly swimming on his bck until its all too much and the poor little guy gives up the ghost... :(

Apr 22, 2003
the fish not only get stressed, but shocked. At that point they're stunned and probably take little notice of the surroundings, such as the filter, and do little to resist it.

I was in a similar situation once - I've had a longfinned rosy barb once, that was super-agressive compared to how these fish usually are, that nipped and nipped and nipped. He killed 3 fish this way, and almost finished off my favorite Tiger barb, but I isolated the rosy barb soon enough, and the tiger recovered. I got rid of him after about a week of isolating him. And since then, everything is well.

Anyway, I'm just saying that this does occasionally happen, sometimes fish are a bit aggressive within generally peaceful breeds. Get rid of that orange tetra, and get some new rainbows.