HELP water temp changes


Small Fish
Mar 13, 2010
so today in south eastern PA it got to 85 degrees
our house is small and older and we were not really home and it got hot as all hell in the house.
so i was watching my water temp. out of couriousity it usualy stayed around 74-75 with a preset tetra heater around 3:00 it was at 78. i work 2nd shift and just got home around 12:45 AM and the temp is 81, it was really warm in the house though too. im sure as the night goes on tonight the temp will go down some and hopefully not get so hot in here tomorrow
can these temp changes hurt my fish? i know its not to extreme of a temp and was over a long period of time but im just worried.
i have pretty hardy fish, mollies, dwarf gouramis, and some danios. can anyone ease my worried mind? or should i be worried

Feb 27, 2009
I had the same problem in Florida. I, too, was worried about the temperature fluctuations.

I used a fan on a timer to blow across the tank in the summers. I also converted the fish to be active in the evening/night since the lights were only on in the cooler part of the day.

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If the temperature change is gradual, it shouldn't cause a problem. Fast changes are what kill fish. I live in a hot area, and our tanks tend to run up to 86 in the summer. The only thing to watch out for is that warmer water holds less oxygen, so make sure the filter is creating plenty of current.


Small Fish
Mar 13, 2010
thanks for the info yea it takes it hours to climb a few degrees and drop a few degrees last night at 1 AM it was at about 81 and this morning at 9:30 AM the temp was 77 my power filter moves alot of water and the fish seem to be acting just fine and right now 1:39 PM its about 79


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
I had the same problem a year ago. I live in a top floor apartment, and, although it's in MI the indoor temp in the summer got up to about 95. I tried to run fans on the tank, but, the water only dropped to about 86ish degrees. I did end up losing a few fish to what I assumed was stress from the rapid and consistent temp increase. I went out an bought a window air conditioner and jerry-rigged a blower for the tank. It got the temp down to 80 and it stayed there.