Help! What is this on my glass?

Mar 5, 2009
These weird little things have been growing all over my glass and back wall now for about a month. They are taking over it seems.. one side of the glass is covered.

All of my fish died about 2 weeks ago from Ich... (I think, they had white spots on them and then the next morning they died) I only had one clown fish and a Bicolor Pseudochromis. I am not putting anymore fish in until 6 or more weeks in case it was ich... hopefully it will be gone by then. I also have 4 red crabs and three snails.

My tank is a Biocube 14 with all liverock and a protein skimmer. Been running for about 2 months now. Have had the water tested tons of times at different places and everyone says the water is great.

Anybody know what these little things are?

