HELP !!!! What's going on in my tank

Mar 3, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
This started late yesterday afternoon. When I came in I noticed that one of my female guppies was sitting on the bottom of the tank. Expecting any day now I thought maybe she was delivering as this is what she did with her first drop.

After observing her I noticed that she seems unable to move her tail fin and on her underside, below her mouth she has a red line that looks like a stripe of blood just underneath her skin. She also kept laying on one side. This morning she is still breathing, sitting up straight and moving all her fins, but still at the bottom of the tank. Also when I got up this morning I discovered that all four of her remaing fry from her last drop were dead and my female Neon was very pale and not schooling with the rest of them. The Neon has now returned to the school and is regaining her colour. All the other fish appear to be acting normal other than one of my Harlequins is swimming with my male Guppies.

Am I going to lose this whole tank. What should I do ?


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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Jadenblack said:
Just a heads up I know that to get some help people are going to want some water levels. You might want to test and post the results :p
....LOL... good move Jaden ....

Yes, Midwinter ... just what are your water parameters/readings ... temp, nitrites, nitrates, ammonia? What other fish are in the tank as well might be helpful to know.

Mar 3, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
Water Parameters are as follows: Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates below 20ppm, Temp runs 77-79F. 25 gal. 5 Guppies, 4 Harlequin Rasboras, 6 Neons, 2 Bronze Cory's. At last count I have captured 17 Guppy Fry and Momma is still resting at the bottom of the tank not sure whether she is done delivering or not. Guess she was resting for the long haul. As for the Neon with the fading problem, she has been normal for two days now. No other signs of unusual behaviour with any of the other fish. I totally forgot when I first posted to include the water conditions.

Thanks much


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
Visit site
Seems to be going well and your water parameters are good. It takes awhile for the gups to give birth. Even after dropping all of the fry the females may remain listless for awhile until they recover from the stress of birthing.