Help!! Whole can of fish food dumped in tank!


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
My 2 year old got ahold of the betta food and dumoed it in the 5 gal eclipse that's in his room. It had been in there for a hour before I noticed. I pulled the betta out and put him in a bowl, but question is how much water do I need to take out. The tank has only been up for over a week, but I had put in media and squeezed bactiria from my other tank.

Thanks for any advice!


Mar 14, 2006
If your betta is in a bowl right now and doing fine, I'd do a w/c on the original tank leave any gravel and decorations in there, and put in fresh water, your basic goal is to get all the fish food out of the tank so any laying on the gravel. Get some "prime" or similar and when you refill put that in the tank. Keep an eye on your fish and do a 10% water change every day for 2 days, you should be okay....just make sure you use a "dechlorinator"

Bettas are pretty hardy(not that you shouldn't treat them well) but should be able to deal with it.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Yikes! I'd vacuum it all out...keep vacuuming the bottom (there's gravel in it, right?) until no more comes up from out of the gravel. It is especially important that you do a really thorough vacuuming in such a new tank, because there won't nearly be enough beneficial bacteria in there yet to deal with any food leftovers.

If the tank is empty and you still have food bits coming up off of the gravel's surface, then fill it again, then vacuum it again, and repeat until it's all cleaned up. Good luck.

Big Vine