This is the basic structure of the plan I would like to have.
As you can see, I have more stocking room and I am on top of water changes and confident in stocking more fish. I want to add on to the species I have or add one or two small/low bioload species. Here are some of my ideas. Please give me more ideas/suggestions. I'd love to hear your opinions.
1 more bleeding heart and 1 more serpae
1 more corydora
1 upside down catfish
a couple dwarf frogs
several ghost shrimp (I'm worried they will eat my 1" long otos or my 1" long molly fry.)
a combination of the fish listed above
Please suggest peaceful fish that are not big fin nippers. Also, would crayfish work in this setup? I'm not sure if any of the fish stores sell them here, though. But I do know where to find wild-caught ones.
Thank you all! *GOLDFISH*
As you can see, I have more stocking room and I am on top of water changes and confident in stocking more fish. I want to add on to the species I have or add one or two small/low bioload species. Here are some of my ideas. Please give me more ideas/suggestions. I'd love to hear your opinions.
1 more bleeding heart and 1 more serpae
1 more corydora
1 upside down catfish
a couple dwarf frogs
several ghost shrimp (I'm worried they will eat my 1" long otos or my 1" long molly fry.)
a combination of the fish listed above
Please suggest peaceful fish that are not big fin nippers. Also, would crayfish work in this setup? I'm not sure if any of the fish stores sell them here, though. But I do know where to find wild-caught ones.
Thank you all! *GOLDFISH*