Need help to identify whats wrong with my angels.
Tank details: 55G, Filstar XP2, Amm-0, NitrIte-0, NitrAte-10ppm, Ph 7, temp 82
Fish: 1 Large Marble Angel (no signs of sickness/stress), 1 Med Angel about 2" (stress, fin-down, redstreaks), 4 quarter-sized assorted Angels (most showing stress, finrot, 2 of them with similar redstreaks as the 2", 2 very small silver dollars, 2 corys, 1 - 3" blue crayfish.
Photos can be viewed at:
They are all currently eating, fed 1xdaily. No one angel seems to be agressive/territorial to the others, in fact that would apply to all the fish/inhabs. Water changes are done weekly, about 15%. LFS said to treat with Maracyn-Two which we did last week. They improved somewhat since they are now swimming around more instead of hiding behind rocks/plants but now have ICH also. The Large Angel ("Star" has been perfect and no signs of any sickness/stress.
Any suggestions? If you need more info or if I left something out let me know.
Tank details: 55G, Filstar XP2, Amm-0, NitrIte-0, NitrAte-10ppm, Ph 7, temp 82
Fish: 1 Large Marble Angel (no signs of sickness/stress), 1 Med Angel about 2" (stress, fin-down, redstreaks), 4 quarter-sized assorted Angels (most showing stress, finrot, 2 of them with similar redstreaks as the 2", 2 very small silver dollars, 2 corys, 1 - 3" blue crayfish.
Photos can be viewed at:
They are all currently eating, fed 1xdaily. No one angel seems to be agressive/territorial to the others, in fact that would apply to all the fish/inhabs. Water changes are done weekly, about 15%. LFS said to treat with Maracyn-Two which we did last week. They improved somewhat since they are now swimming around more instead of hiding behind rocks/plants but now have ICH also. The Large Angel ("Star" has been perfect and no signs of any sickness/stress.
Any suggestions? If you need more info or if I left something out let me know.