Help with Angelfish stress/sick?

Oct 22, 2002
Need help to identify whats wrong with my angels.

Tank details: 55G, Filstar XP2, Amm-0, NitrIte-0, NitrAte-10ppm, Ph 7, temp 82

Fish: 1 Large Marble Angel (no signs of sickness/stress), 1 Med Angel about 2" (stress, fin-down, redstreaks), 4 quarter-sized assorted Angels (most showing stress, finrot, 2 of them with similar redstreaks as the 2"), 2 very small silver dollars, 2 corys, 1 - 3" blue crayfish.

Photos can be viewed at:

They are all currently eating, fed 1xdaily. No one angel seems to be agressive/territorial to the others, in fact that would apply to all the fish/inhabs. Water changes are done weekly, about 15%. LFS said to treat with Maracyn-Two which we did last week. They improved somewhat since they are now swimming around more instead of hiding behind rocks/plants but now have ICH also. The Large Angel ("Star") has been perfect and no signs of any sickness/stress.

Any suggestions? If you need more info or if I left something out let me know.


Hmmm.....this is odd.......those red streaks don't look like bacterial......unless it's septicaemia, and then go with Lynn's advice.

I would do daily waterchanges anyways, at least 25%.

If it's NOT septicaemia, try getting the temps up to the high 80s as this will flush any internal nasties out of the angels. Internal nasties can also cause those red streaks (see red terror).

Angels these days are susceptible to an internal called Hexamita. The fins seem to melt just a few days before the angel dies, and they never stop eating.

what I've been recommended to do from angel breeders is to raise the temperature, treat with a medication called "Hex-a-mit" and feed medicated flakes. The active ingredient in Hex-a-mit is Metrodiazonol.

Good luck, I know I've just confused the issue here. For what it's worth, I went through 12 angels to get 2 healthy ones. got 5 now......

Oct 22, 2002
Thanks for all the replies. Well I medicated for ICH and that went away the following day (or at least greatly reduced the visible signs). I also started a daily dose of 5 tablespoons of MelaFix per a friends suggestion. On Tuesday, the angels appeared to be improving. The red streaks were still there but much lighter. However, they were now swimming in the front of tank and looking much better. In fact, their fins are up and the "stressed" look is no longer there. Well, it's now Thursday and I think they have fully recovered. I'm still med'ing with Melafix for the recommended 7 days (which ends tomorrow) but everyone is happy and doing 100% better. Thanks for the replies and help.

Oct 22, 2002
Oh, forgot to add. I also did 20% water changes every other day and will do a 30-40% change after the final melafix dosing. also will put the carbon back in (which was taken out of course).