help with bacterial bloom

I have a 33g tank that recently finished cycling. The ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are all o.k., but the water has a milky-white cloudy look to it. This has been going on for about a month now. Am I right to suspect bacterial bloom?

The tank is well planted, ph = 6.8, temp = 76 degrees. Should I just wait it out and hope that it clears, or is there something i can do to speed the process along?

thanks in advance for your advice!


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
i have the same problem except mine is a cloudy green . i was told to use a product called red velvet from my lfs . but so far no change at all . any other suggestions ? everything is fine as far as all the parameters fully cycled ph is around 6.8 also amonia and nitrites and nitrates are where they are supposed to be and its a planted 55 gal


Small Fish
Jan 23, 2003
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The bacterial bloom will go away on its own. I think that the size of the tank and the size of the potential bio-media have an effect on how long it takes. Some of my tanks would clear in two days, my 55 african tank took over 2 months, the difference being the ceramic media in the Fluval filter I have on my 55.
I don't usually recommend adding chemicals to a tank unless there is no other possible solution. All you're doing is adding another variable to an already delicate balance.
