Sep 14, 2005
I already know that most of you don't agree with keeping bettas in a small space, and only feeding them with roots. I have to build an bottle ecosystem, with an aquarium layer, and so I have to get a betta, and feed it with roots. Will they eat any root out of desperation, or only certain ones. If anyone knows.. please let me know... i need this answered by tonight. Thanks is advance !! Breanne

Sep 8, 2005
Southern Ontario Canada
Here's some info on what Bettas eat:

Bettas are carnivorous. They do not eat plants, the roots of plants, or microscopic bacteria living on the roots of plants. (This is in reference to the recent fad of sticking bettas in a vase with a plant as its only food. Don't support this cruel treatment, and provide a proper home for your betta if you've already purchased one of these vases.) You must provide a carnivorous diet for your betta, and this can be in the form of special betta pellet food, live foods, or a combination. They also generally dislike flake forms of food that are used with other fish. If you choose to give your betta live foods (or freeze-dried live foods), try bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, or even mosquito larvae (if you catch these yourself they should be pesticide-free and from clean water only). Your betta may not care for some of these foods as first; they can be finicky and their preferences are usually based on what they were raised on. While it can be cute to watch your betta spit out the offending meal, it's not very healthy and probably stressful. Therefore, it's a good idea to find at least one kind of pellet food that your betta likes as a staple, and use the live foods as treats. Feed your betta small amounts of food daily. Keep an eye on its belly to see if you've got the amount right. A betta with a gently rounded stomach is a healthy one. If it appears stretched more than that, it is overfed, and less=underfed. If you skip a day or two, like while you're on vacation, your betta will be angry, but fine. This is actually healthier than using the "weekend feeders" which can overfeed and dirty the water while you're away.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
No way!

Your going to starve him! :eek:

Getting a Betta to eat roots is like asking one of my cats to eat lettuce. Bettas are strict 100% carnivoures Would you like to live in a closet and eat shoe laces & belts out of desperation? :(

Absolutely, posalutely do not let him live off roots! :mad:


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If this is for some kind of "ecology" or science class, then you need to let the teacher know that bettas don't eat roots.

If you have a choice on the ecosystem, perhaps choose something like shrimp or snails that will eat algae that grows from sunlight, or look into other animals you could use.


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
*sigh* some people. Just......god. *bangs head against a wall* Breane....of all the forums to come to. x_x;; What bothers me isn't just your lack of research and the fact that you're obviously waiting last-minute to do this project, but that you're adamant and downright stubborn hell-bent on abusing a poor, helpless (and hungry) fish. If you have any other animals in your home, my heart truly goes out to them.

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Pillowchii it was like you stole the words out of my mouth (hang on a minute... give 'em back! :D), Breane, don't even bother getting ANY fish under ANY circumstances, until you have researched them throughly! Bettas get to aoround 6" long, and LOVE space to SWIM. Just like you LIKE space to WALK. So, i suggest getting a bigger tank, a 3GAL the least for the Betta, with a heater (unless somewhere really warm), and a filter... be prepared for water changes, and feeding the Betta live food DAILY. If you are not PREPARED for the RESPONSIBILITY, then GO AWAY and DON'T post on here until YOU have thought things through.
If YOU need help, then just ask for it - but DON'T go getting ANY fish until you have sorted out a proper ENVIROMENT for the residents, and until you have done research.
Thank you.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Um I think everyone is taking this poster's question out of context. They said that they know we dont approve of keeping them in a small space or eating roots. I could be wrong...but I believe they're asking what kind of plant the betta WONT eat and that wont hurt the betta.

I'd like to hope that someone who's done enough research to know that we dont approve of these things to know WHY we dont approve and that they're planning on feeding the fish.

Jumping down the throat of a new member without reading their posts and considering what they might mean, or deleting YOUR posts (vissengirl asked if the poster was asking for our help to mistreat a fish and deleted it...making the poster's response of "absolutely not" meaningless unless you read vissengirl's deleted post) and making their responses make no sense is just plain mean.

Sep 8, 2005
Southern Ontario Canada
Jumping down the throat of a new member without reading their posts and considering what they might mean, or deleting YOUR posts (vissengirl asked if the poster was asking for our help to mistreat a fish and deleted it...making the poster's response of "absolutely not" meaningless unless you read vissengirl's deleted post) and making their responses make no sense is just plain mean.
That goes both ways!!!For the record, I deleted that post/question AS the poster answered it. If they had answered the question, I wouldn't have deleted it. I deleted it replacing it with what I thought better suited info relevant to the question at hand. I also thought my second post pretty much cleared up the situation. Guess not.

I (also for the record) think it was a fair question in efforts to bring into perspective what this person was really asking.

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
It was a fair question...and I apologize I wasn't saying that you maliciously deleted the question, just pointing out that everyone has put this new poster in a very bad light because they jumped to conclusions. As the first poster, asking a question to clarify was a good response...and posting information that you thought would help again, a good response...but you took that question away and no one saw it after can-chaser saw it so no one has any idea what they were responding to...

When you post on a thread, the full text of your reply gets emailed you have to assume that anyone who is subscribed to the thread saw your post whether you edit it right away or not.

Sep 8, 2005
Southern Ontario Canada
With out really trying to over analyze this to death, lol, (and partly because I'm killing time)

just pointing out that everyone has put this new poster in a very bad light because they jumped to conclusions
I respectfully disagree. I think everyone assumed the poster was going to do - what she said she was going to do. I don't see where the jumping to conclusions happened.

As the first poster, asking a question to clarify was a good response...and posting information that you thought would help again, a good response...but you took that question away and no one saw it after can-chaser saw it so no one has any idea what they were responding to...
I took away the question because I thought it might be interpreted as "cheeky". After seeing that she had answered it, I replied to the answer again, basically re stating the question:

Wouldn't you consider forcing some one or something to eat something (not even with in their needs) out of desperation mistreatment?
which I thought would have cleared up any possible confusion.
I don't, or didn't think that everyone was responding to the correspondence between Breanne/Can-chaser and I. I thought they were responding to her initial post - I could very well be mistaken though. Mis communications are common when you're typing.

When you post on a thread, the full text of your reply gets emailed you have to assume that anyone who is subscribed to the thread saw your post whether you edit it right away or not.
Ok, in those cases there wouldn't have even been a problem then, no?
I also for the record (just in case) wasn't trying to "hide" my initial post, I was just trying to correct something I thought needed to be corrected. I'm not sure what else I should have done seeing as the deletion occurred (from my end) before she responded, besides what I did by posting the second time re stating the question.

Having said this, I think the main aggravation in these responses was stemming from the fact that she clearly states that she knows we probably wouldn't approve of this. I think because of that, she had even more of a responsibility, or she should have known better than to not explain an alternate circumstance (if there was one), given that she knew this.
It's just a very strange post.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
perhaps I read the initial post wrong. But whatever the case...its definitely not worth arguing over since the poster hasn't been back since that night and probably wont be back.