help with buying snails.

Sep 27, 2009
ok ive been intrested in buying a apple snail. but none of my local fish stores sell them. does any one know any internet site that sale them? if you do reply to the thread and put the site on it*BOUNCINGS*SUPERSMIL*twirlysmi*thumbsup2

Feb 27, 2009
ok ive been intrested in buying a apple snail. but none of my local fish stores sell them. does any one know any internet site that sale them? if you do reply to the thread and put the site on it*BOUNCINGS*SUPERSMIL*twirlysmi*thumbsup2
Not sure where you are located, but they are illegal to sell across state lines in the USA (at least that is what my LFS says). Some states they are illegal to even have as a pet.

Found this info on ebay:

Apple snails are also called Mystery snails.

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Feb 27, 2009
Unfortunately I have figured out it's illegal to own them in my state(Georgia). So is there any other kinds of snails u could suggest?
That ebay link shows a lot of the snails commonly kept in aquariums, along with information about if they eat plants, how they reproduce, etc.

It would depend on why you want the snail, what you want it to do or not do.

I like the nerites since they can't reproduce in freshwater. They are more expensive because of that. The MTS is great for planted tanks, keeps the substrate churned (like earthworms for your plants).


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
I had an MTS for the longest time. It got pretty big. I had taken my 10 gallon down not even remembering he was in there. Opened the bag of gravel after 2 months of it being tied up and he was still in there alive. He now happily lives in one of my 5 gallons. lol I felt bad for the little guy. They're great for tanks but they do reproduce. Not as fast or heavily as pond snails but they still do it. So I'd recommend them.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
I have a whole herd of MTS i love them they stay in your substrate most of the day, you may see one or two but they blend in well. They mostly come out at night. They don't eat live plants, they also turn up the substrate which is good for plants and good in general.

Get a few and they will breed to whatever level your tank will sustain. I want them for for 75 gal. turtle tank to keep the sand turned up the turtle digs around and eats them.


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
MTS are by far my favorite snail. They won't out compete other things in the tank. Great for plants. They can reproduce like crazy but it not like you'll see them(all you have to do is feed less). You can sometimes get them for free, what's not to like. The only problem with them is once their in you won't get them out without a fight. So make sure you really want them. I took down my 10 gallon about a month or two ago and it was heavily planted but I moved everything out except the grave and the snails that were in the gravel. They're still there. There is no filter, no heater, no food... They even will sit on the surface tension of the water which is kinda funny. I looked this morning and I could see a herd of babies on the glass. I love 'um but be careful.