Help With Calcium And DkH

May 15, 2009
ok so lately ive been tryin to get my DkH up to a 9 or so, right now its at 7. but ive been havin trouble. i use a two part buffer, and tried using some kent super buffer, with no results. my calcium is good, 400 ppm's. i just dont want to fluctuate one or the other tryin to even these out. what would be the best way to raise the DkH without effecting calcium or visa versa. my specs for my tank are all good. so im not sure what the problem could be.

Ammonia- 0
Alkalinity- 7
P.h- 8.3
Nitrate-2.5 ppm
nitrite- .05 ppm
magnesium- 1350
calcium- 400
salinity -1.022



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I think the two-part system is probably your best bet. You may need to add the alkalinity component more often, or in larger quantities, than the calcium.

Have you tested your make up water? Some brands are a little low on alkalinity. If that's the case, you can also add it to the make up water before you do a water change.

Also, your salinity is rather low for a reef tank. Somewhere around 1.025 to 1.026 is better for your corals.

May 15, 2009
really 1.025 or 1.026, that high? is that safe? 1.024 is still high from what ive heard. i also have some fish in their to. given ive only been doin this for about a year now. so all the info i can get is good.

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Most reef tanks are at about 1.025 to 1.026, it's the natural salinity level of the ocean.

The easiest way to raise salinity is to use saltwater (instead of freshwater) for your topoff until it's at the right level, then make your next water at the correct level. You should really only raise salinity 0.001 a day or so. Taking it too fast can shock your fish or corals. It's easier for them to go into a lower salinity than a higher one.

May 15, 2009
ok i see, well im doin a water change today so ill bump it up a bit. prob make my PWC about about 1.023 or 1.024 should only raise it .001 or so. i think.

but i think i found out why my DkH was so low. my top off water is only at a 3 or 4. keeps my DkH in my tank from rising. i think. lol.