This is the 'mystery' cichlid. Can you help me identify? It was in the assorted mbuna cichlid tank at the lfs.
I hope it's not the spawn of satan or something.
Boulengerochromis Microlepis are an awesome fish from lak tang but not meant for anything under 1000gals. Biggest cichlid out there (though some peacock bass might rival its size someday...lurking in the depths)
Fabulous...........Lake Tang, huh? I suppose that definitely means it's not much for the 'mixed mbuna cichlid' tank at the store. I guess that means I should bring it back. I definitely will probably never have a 1000gal tank and I don't want it to terrorize the other fish.
LOL...I was confused too! Good thing I checked this thread again because I was set to bring him back *SUPERSMIL
Off to research *bumblebee* Thanks for the help!
Great info Matt, I noticed him right off, because he is one of the considerations for the new Twin Towers. Thanks also for clarifying that misunderstanding. Always helps when it gets confusing!