
Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
I recently bought three betta fish from a store not too far away from here that's famous for having really good stock, but so far I've already lost 2, and the 3rd isn't looking too well. I thought it was velvet at first, they show the signs, but they would die off in the wierdest way that I've never seen with velvet. Now, I could be wrong, but maybe you all could help:

It would start off with the typical listlessness and color loss, but then it was like they'd get all necrotic and turn almost like beef jerky from the outside in. their fins would go black and burnt-looking and then just fall off, followed by the base of their tail, and then they just went belly up...the first one had white specks toward the end, but the teal plakat I had din't, just the burnt look and the necrosis. Doesen't seem like your average fin rot, and I KNOW it isn't an issue with water quality, but I don't think that it's velvet anymore, either. Could they have multiple ailments? Should i contact the fish store and give em a talkin' to? Help ~_~;;


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska

I would definetly bring the bodies/body back to the LFS, and see if they will refund you/offer replacements.

They may not know about the underlying problem, and would probably appreciate you bringing the fish back.

:( sucks that you lost fish though......

stupid question: They aren't all males living together are they?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Some forms of fin rot/body rot dont look like can move so quickly that a fish will have pretty much NO fins within a few hours or a day. Sounds to me like it still could be some form of it? Have you switched food to make sure its not the food your feeding...or what kind of tank setups are they in...could it be something that has been added to the water or ??


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
i did some research, and what they have is a combo of Ich and Columnaris.

Last thing I need...*sigh* And to answer your questions, I've been raising and breeding bettas for two years. I wouldn't do something as stupid as keeping them in the same tank, for god's sake. And as I said, I keep my water in pristine condition, and test the levels once a week. I'm no dummy. lol

And no, they weren't all males, one was a female. Only the ones bought at this particular fish store have died, all save one, who has proven to be a little Fishy Rambo!!! A little copper crowntail. Everyone else I have is perfectly fine.....

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Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
Hehe the worst part is, Ich can be cured more easily in warmer temperatures, but Columnaris will actually thrive in warm water. Either way it's a long, hard road to recovery.........


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
pillowchii said:
i did some research, and what they have is a combo of Ich and Columnaris.

Last thing I need...*sigh* And to answer your questions, I've been raising and breeding bettas for two years. I wouldn't do something as stupid as keeping them in the same tank, for god's sake. And as I said, I keep my water in pristine condition, and test the levels once a week. I'm no dummy. lol

And no, they weren't all males, one was a female. Only the ones bought at this particular fish store have died, all save one, who has proven to be a little Fishy Rambo!!! A little copper crowntail. Everyone else I have is perfectly fine.....

LOL, y'know we always have to ask the obvious questions. ;)

(asking about multiple males living together...)

Because you know you've seen someone ask "Why are my bettas killing eachother?" and we all find out someone stuck 2 males in a 10 gal. tank.

Great work finding out what it was! Is there any way to cure it?
:) :)


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
Sorry I got so rude ><;; lol I've spent the past weekend dealing with people treating me like I had the IQ of a 4-year old XD lol

It's treatable, but very difficult to defeat. The lil guy isn't doing too well...he's turned white, but I gave him a different kind of antobiotic today and I don't see the threads of columnaris hanging off fo him anymore. I guess it's all up to him, now. ;_;