Help with Goldfish in new tank!!


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011
Ive just gone & purchased a second hand tank, its an old fashoned 4ft (very deep) & was used for tropical fish. Ive spoken to my local aquarium store who said that after a good clean (as its been dry since December) & new gravel it should be fine. Ive also been told to rinse the filters & system (its a huge eniem outer filter) it should be fine. Is this right?!!
I was also told to cycle the tank for a minimum of 7days to get it ready, stuffing in a few of the mature sponges from my other 2 tanks.
I will be adding 5 lge godfish (2 fantail 3 normal) eventually but was told its better to add a few at a time. Ive 3 in 1 tank & 2 in the other.
Ive got the safe start to start the cycling & the tap water dechlorinator is there anything else I need? I will be adding dennerel substrate for soil & new gravel & all the older plants from one tank only as the other tank is staying.
I wondered if I needed to add any aquarium salt or other things.....bearing in mind that I will be adding Applesnails so I dont want to kill them stone dead.
Advice would be great asap as my tank is being delivered today & I will start setting it up wednesday.
All help appreciated.

Oct 29, 2010
Great tank! That sounds awesome. You should post some pics when you're done :p

Okay, your cycle may be finished in seven days, but time isn't the greatest measure. The best bet is to use a test kit and ammonia to get the cycle just right so you know for sure :)

Great link for it:
Fishless Cycling of the Aquarium -

You don't need aquarium salt. There's no proven benefit except for brackish/saltwater fish, and yes it will harm your apple snails.

I've never heard of a wavemaker for goldfish but I can't imagine why it would be necessary.

Good luck and have fun! :D

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