Help with Ick


Small Fish
Mar 28, 2005
I just noticed a few minutes ago that my pictus catfish has those white spots all over him. I just bought him on march 30th and now he has this. I am assuming it is ick, right? Anyways, he is in a 55 with 3 giant danios and 3 bala sharks. What should I do to get rid of it? And should I assume that since my catfish has it, my other fish will get infected also? He has a 14 day guarantee from Petsmart. If I took him back, will I still have to treat the tank since he was in it?
Thank you for any suggestions.


Small Fish
Jan 23, 2005
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This is what I did, not telling you what to do because I am new myself. I have been in this hobby only a couple months. The first set of fish I bought, did fine for a month. Than I went and bought the cool looking pictus catfish from petsmart. Within a day or 2 he and my redtail shark 2 bala sharks and both my gouramis were covered in white spots. I bought the walmart ick medicine that says to use the half dose on scaless fish. Within a day all my scaless fish were dead even at using a smalller dose than the recomended for the scaless. I did a huge water change and waited a few days. more and more spots were forming and bought a new medicine called ick clear. I added the recommended doses for scaless fish because I still had one scaless fish left in the tank. My pleco. All but my pleco and my paradise fish lived. They all died from what I believe the medicine I was using. I followed the directions to a tee and started treating as soon as I seen the spots on my fish. I look at my fish very frequently as it is next to my computer and watch them for hours and hours every day. So now I have 3 fish left, none got the ick from the pictus, but the pictus from PETSMART gave my whole tank ick and lost a bunch of them. I leave the tank for 2 weeks and my paradise gets ick. I read on the internet to raise temperature slowly to 86 degrees and I added 1 tablespoon of non iodized table salt to my fish tank per 5 gallons. a few days later ick is gone and keep the temperature up at 86 for 2 weeks. All ick is gone and I slowly lower my temp back down to 82 degrees and vacuum gravel alot during them 2 weeks and I since than for the past month and a half use table salt in my fresh water tank and my fish are doing awesome. Since I have been using salt I added 1 redtail shark, 2 silver dollars and an albino shark and not 1 of them has had ick. I will never ever use another medication that says treat ick. What I will do is keep table salt in my water and increase the temp to 86 slowly as ick cannot live in 86 degrees from what I hear. But for the past month and a half and even adding some fish since I have salt in my tank I have had no problems. Another thing, I will never buy another fish from petsmart. Hope my story helped.



Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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Take a look at the specs for Kordon's Rid-Ich+. I've used it in tanks with both plants and scaleless fish and there are no ill effects. It works well without changing the temp as well as being broad spectrum enough to kill other little "beesties". Just follow the directions to the letter and treat long enough to eliminate Ich coming back with more reslience. About 4-7 days will do it depending on the severity.