Help with ID.  LFS called it "Stingray pl*co"

Oct 22, 2002
First of all, I can't believe I'm spelling pl*co: P L * C O!  Now that I know why people do it I'm afraid not to. That's not right.

This week I was lookin for a pl*co to aid in algae eatin for a 20G planted tank.  I went to a LFS that I had just noticed after a friend moved to New Jersey.  That's a whole nuther thread.  This place is "THE BOMB".

Anywaze,  I asked if they had a bushy nosed pl*co or somethin that would stay small for a 20G tank.  First he said "NO", then thought, and said he had somethin he'd ordered for someone who wanted a pleco (OK, that's enough! If anyone has a pleco die after reading this, please post about it.) that would'nt bother his discus.  It's very small - about an inch.  It's light olive green with darker specks.  Looks scaleless.  Has modified pectoral and anal fins that make the whole body a suction cup.  The LFS guy could'nt tell me much more 'bout 'em 'cept that the guy he ordered them for, said his was doin' fine.  

I searched all over Planet Catfish but could'nt find anything.  It stays permenantly attached to the glass.  Sometimes it's very active - moving place to place on the glass.  It does look like a "sting ray" or a "skate".  LFS guy says it'll stay under 6".

Normally, I would'nt get a fish I did'nt know much about, but I did'nt know when I'd be able to get back to the store, which is in another state and about an hour away.  I'd never seen anything like it before and trusted the guy who sold it to me.  We'll see.  

I don't have a digicam.  If you have a guess,  I might be able to confirm it on another site.



Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
Re: Help with ID.  LFS called it "Stingray pl*co"

closest i can think itlooks like what u described are butterfly pl*co i dunno much about it saw it at the lfs by my job a while ago but could be mislabeled too... i got a question whats the deal with the asterik in pl*co i've seen it around this board sometimes and never thogght of it whats the deal?

Oct 22, 2002
OK, went to, Luvfishes GOOD call!  "Hillstream loach" it is.  Probably "beaufortia kweichowensis".  BTW Anzpanther, also wrongly called "Chinese Butterfly Plecos" in the trade.

Well, wuhn't cha know!  Always doomed to learned by MISTAKE!  A nice fish, but probably not getting optimum conditions in my tank.  Can provide plenty 'o algae, so I'll see how it does without strong current.

Now I fear not the pleco curse cuz I still don't got one!

peace out chall!


Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
Re: Help with ID.  LFS called it "Stingray pl*co"

hehe never knew that no wonder all my pl*cos keep dying lol jk but strangly only the ones i keep in my 30gal planted keep dying the two in my 10 hasn't died yet..... oh no ones dead!!!! oh wait he's moving hehe anyways the lfs did label the loach as a chinese butterfly pl*co and i do rember finding it somewhere online i think it was at or and was called a hillstream loach guess forgot about it hehe

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
Re: Help with ID.  LFS called it "Stingray pl*co"

hehe never knew that no wonder all my pl*cos keep dying lol jk but strangly only the ones i keep in my 30gal planted keep dying the two in my 10 hasn't died yet..... oh no ones dead!!!! oh wait he's moving hehe anyways the lfs did label the loach as a chinese butterfly pl*co and i do rember finding it somewhere online i think it was at or and was called a hillstream loach guess forgot about it hehe

sorry about the double post AOL suckin tonight took 5 minutes for me to get kicked off lol


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Help with ID.  LFS called it "Stingray pl*co"

Borneo Loaches is what I've heard them called before. They're cool fish.

And hey, I've used pleco in the same threads as even talking about my pleco, and even my Zebra is still alive

Then again, I make sushi sacrifices to the dieties of superstion, so perhaps that's why mine still live.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Help with ID.  LFS called it "Stingray pl*co"


I have a hillstream loach in my 27 gallon planted and there is very very little current and he/she is fine.
He/she moves very little during the day but buzzs around @ night, and they don't spook easily, at least mine doesn't.
I also have a ton of algae for him/her. So it doesn't have to move a lot.
