Help with ideas for stocking a 125?


Medium Fish
Jun 8, 2005
Hey guys, I recently became the official caretaker for the
125 gallon aquarium at my wifes office. The last guy they had maintaing it
was shady and did a terrible job and then just stopped coming one day so they fired him. My wife told them I would do it so I got the job which is pretty sweet because it will be fun and they're paying me well to do this. When I worked on it the first day the nitrates were off the scale and there were only two fish left out of an original 10! A med. size Clarkii clown
and a small yellow tang. It took me about a month and three trips
to get the tank clean and the water parameters back in shape. It looks great
now and they want me to come up with a stocking list of fish that they
can choose from. It will be FOWLR and I want to stock it with
fish that are fairly peaceful, easy to feed and that will provide a nice array
of colors because it will be the center piece in the office. I also want to keep the bioload kind of low as I will be relying mostly on smaller water changes every 2 weeks. There is 1/2 inch crushed coral substrate, 90-100 lbs. live rock, 2 Aquaclear 70's and a Bak-Pak dual skimmer.
Here is a list that I came up with and I would like you guys to take a quick look and see if there is anything you would recommend/not recommend.
Here is what I was thinking of getting so far:

Blue tang
Royal Gramma
Flame Hawk
Foxface Lo
Coral Beauty (there is a lot of LR with some patches of hair algae that I left
because the yellow tang likes to pick at it)

Yellow tang (sm. pre-existing)
Clarkii Clown (med. pre-existing)

What else might be nice to add? I would really like to get a couple of Despar Anthias but I have no experience with those and I'm worried about them eating. My wife will be doing the feedings when she gets there in the mornings and I trust her to keep amn eye on them, but still. A LFS has some beautiful ones and her boss pretty much gave me a blank check.
I was also thinking maybe 5 or 6 blue/green chromis?
So I thought I'd throw this out there. What do you think? Thanks!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
im not positive, but the second tang may be a problem with agression, Im not positive though.

Other than that all of theose fish seem quite reasonable for the 125.

Just a side note, those aquaclears I dont know if there doing much. Are you running any media in them? Id suggest getting a couple strong powerheads for some water movement, just a suggestion.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Nice score on the job! See if they will let you take some pics of the tank to show us.

I have not had experiance with any of the above fish except the "Flame Hawk" which I highly recomend...very nice, curious fish with lots of personality.

What about some inverts like a few cleaner shrimp, crabs, starfish or urchines? They really add veriaty and beauty to a tank!


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
definitely might as well throw in the chromis...the blue tang is not an "Easy" choice per se simply because they are very prone to disease. as far as compatability, in a 125 i don't think you would notice agression problems b/t the two tangs


Medium Fish
Jun 8, 2005
Thanks for all the replies! Occ, the Aquaclears are power heads. They are the big ones rated at 400 GPH each. Yep, I will definately take pictures once it is populated. I hear you about the blue tang. The reason I put that on my list is because her boss actually asked about that fish in particular and I just told him "we'll see" lol. I forgot, they also have a pre-existing pencil urchin and a condi anemone which miraculosly lived through the poor treatment and have come around full circle, that was a good feeling. I agree a couple of fire or red scarlet shrimp would be cool and I still need to get a snail clean-up crew. Does anyone have any experience with the Anthias?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes, a little. I have found them quite tough if they survive shipping, but if you aren't set to feed them planktonic foods frequently (5 times a day is no joke) they just wither away over a few months. They are very demanding in terms of flow , and thus water oxygenation. Chromis are far, far less demanding


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
All I've heard about anthias is that they're fairly hard to keep, and require lots of room and very good water conditions. 125 gallons is certainly plenty of room though.

Wrasses are a lot of fun, and just as colorful as anthias. Very active little fish, and I think they get along with most everything except other wrasses (unless you get one of the peaceful wrasses).