Help with Krib Tankmates


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
Hey I'm new to the forums but I need some help. I'm going to buy a 20 gallon tank (probably long) and I need help with tankmates for kribs. Currently I have them in a 10 gallon with dwarf cories, two platies, cherry barbs, and one cherry shrimp. I would like to move all these fish but if they aren't compatible then I won't. My question is if I can, what other tankmates would go well with kribs? And what fish if any won't go (out of the ones I said before)?


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
If kribensis decide to breed, MALE/FEMALE? no fish will be safe. Nearly all cichlids are more than capable of vigourosly defending their turf ESPECIALLY ,should they decide to breed. Kribs are also capable of reaching nearly five inches as adults. Were it me, I would keep only the kribs in the 20 gal. I recently gave an adult kribensis that was approx five inches long to local fish store for it was terrorizing the severum's and clown loaches. I called him.. Diablo.


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
Ok. I've heard that you can keep things such as barbs with them or quick fish. Oh and I forgot to mention I have some khuli loaches that I would like to move to if possible. So far I haven't seen any aggression being taken out on other fish or even each other. I have some caves for them to hide in and to house their eggs/fry.