Help with lighting bulb/fixture choice


Small Fish
Feb 12, 2008
A few might have seen some pictures of my new tank in the general forum:

I'm a bit concerned with the lighting it came with; if it'll be enough for a planted tank.

This is a link to what I believe is the same light fixture I have: Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Perfecto Fluorescent Single Strip Lights

This link shows what light bulbs are compatible (I have a 24" fixture) Aquarium Lighting: Perfecto Fluorescent Fixtures Compatible Standard Fluorescent Light Bulbs

I noticed that just about all the 24" compatible bulbs are 20 watts however the difference is with their burning temperatures it seems. I'm not up to date on the latest breakthroughs in lighting technology but is the temperature the important thing now instead of watts per gallon? Would that 18,000*K AquaGlo bulb be a good choice for a planted aquarium?

I'm thinking of using some amazon swords, java ferns, crypts, teardrop rotala, some western milfoil maybe, and some dwarf hairgrass, and java moss.

Substrate will consist of either flourite black sand or regular gravel