Hello, this is my first post here, so I hope I'm making this in the correct forum, but I deperately need help regarding my Hillstream Loach. I've had it for about two months by itself in a 2.5 gal. aquarium (used to have a filter until that broke the week I got my loach). It's been doing absolutely splendid, until today when I medicated all my tanks against an outbreak of ick. Now my poor loach doesn't seem to be able to stick to the glass anymore. It tries to stick, manages for a minute, then falls off and lays there on its back on the bottom of the tank.
Could the medication have done something to it? I'm currently using APPlus+ brand Cure-Ick. I'm going to go ahead and put my loach in a quarantine tank without medication and hope for the best, but if anyone else has any imput I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Could the medication have done something to it? I'm currently using APPlus+ brand Cure-Ick. I'm going to go ahead and put my loach in a quarantine tank without medication and hope for the best, but if anyone else has any imput I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!