Help with my Turtle!!

Nov 5, 2011
Ok, so we have a red-eared slider n hes 7 years old n HUGE, but recently he would NOT stay in his tank, so my mom took him out and got him a pool outside, like a small $5 kiddie pool, and he only likes to stay it in when its warm, BUT now he wont go in his tank, so he just walks around the family room, hes been out of water for MONTHS only getting into that pool like a few times a week for a few hours each time.. But he hasn't eaten anything in maybe 2 or 3 weeks, what do we do!?!? We are scared he's going to starve? we have called Vets and no one seems to have any answers!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Where are you located?? I don't know anything about pet turtles, but I am aware that in the wild sometimes they migrate and also in colder climates they hibernate. We once found a dinner plate size snapping turtle in our pasture (northern Wisconsin) at least a 1/2 mile away from any water. It may have been heading for the water, but if so, I don't know where he came from and also in the winter they dig in and survive some very cold winters and I don't think they eat during that time.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
Is the pool filtered, our do you change the water often? Does he have a basking lamp? Do you have a uvb bulb? How long have you had him? All 7 years? did you recently switch up his food? Try offering him some crickets or worms, as well as fresh greens like mustard greens. He may just need a change to get his appetite stimulated again. I don't know too much about turtles, but I do know they slow down in the winter months. they also need basking spots & uvb when not living outside (like all reptiles). for more info, try and ask on their turtle boards. Also look up specifically a turtle forum, they would have better answers and likely more turtle experts there. He won't die right away from not eating. reptiles can go a while, much like fish, but you don't want him to go too long without food. Also, while it's not necessarily the best got him, being out of water is ok, just make sure he can access the water to hydrate.
Good luck!