help with new tank! first ich and now this, ikeep losing fish please help

Nov 14, 2012
ok so its a 10 galon tank, aqueon quiet flow 20 filter, submersed heater, sand substrate, not gravel, some "drift wood" at the botom for hiding spots

everything seemed fine for 3 weeks, i had 2 chineese algea eaters, 2 sebae monos, 2 clown loaches, and 2 kuhli loaches and 2 bala sharks and 2 leporinus

iv lost everything to ich except the algea eaters and leporinus, those 4 somehow never were fased by the ich, iv tried the heat treatement and using quick cure with no luck... now everything that had ich died, only fish that lived were the 4 that were never effected...

so a few weeks ago i did a 100% water change after the last infected fish had died.... reminder i was fighting ich for a month... now the 4 survivors are healthy and eating but now i have this white stuff on the inside of my glass that no one seems to know what it is....

its identical to this >

also? do you think it would be safe to stop using the medication now? and safe to add more fish again? since no one that survived has or ever got ich somehow... which i cant figure out how they didnt get it.....

thanks everyone i know it was alot to type, sorry for typos im very tired and stressed over this....

nitrites are 0 and have been for 2 weeks, i do not have an amonia tester or nitrate tester yet... will be getting them firday tho


Small Fish
Jun 20, 2012
I think you may have the tank over stocked. you will have to change the water more often on a small tank. that happened to me on my 20gal when i started, ammonia spikes and ick. I changed water a lot more after that. then i upgraded to a 90gal. much easier to handle with a few more fish.

Sep 19, 2012
Clearwater, Fl
12 fish in a 10 gallon tank would never work unless they are 4/5 in big full grown and thats still pushing it...
Also I've been reading a lot of what the very experienced people on this forum are saying and b4 anything you would need to test for ammonia. I think that is the easiest way for fish to die is that way because you cant see or smell it.

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Feb 27, 2009
Chinese algae eaters, clown loaches and bala sharks are way too large to keep in a 10 gallon aquairum. The kuhli loaches may do ok in that sized tank. Not sure which leporinus species you have, so can't advise on that. The monos are brackish to full marine fish and will not live long-term in freshwater, no matter the sized tank.

What you describe sounds like 'new tank syndrome.' When the ammonia gets too high, it stresses the fish and disease can set in.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I'm sorry for your losses. You are probably best to do some research before you add any fish. First, look up the nitrogen cycle, and learn about how you get the right balance of bacteria to maintain healthy water for your fish. This will likely lead you to realize that you need a liquid test kit so you can check your water parameters regularly for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. You should also do some checking on what kind of fish are suitable for a 10g tank, and what kinds are compatible with each other. What you had in there was a bit of a mess, quite frankly.
I think if you do some research you are going to have a way better experience. Please feel free to ask lots of questions here - we are glad to help.

Nov 14, 2012
yea we did have to many thanks to my wifey keep buying them lol, but all they fish were VERY small. under 1.5"

what im so confused about is that we lost EVERY fish to ich except the 4, the 2 leporinus and the 2 algea eaters, why were they not affected???

and we are steping up to an 80 gallon tank in a month when we move into our new home.

as of now we still have 2 healthy lepos and 2 healthy algea eaters, today we got a rainbow shark to see how he would do as far as health, i do know he is agressive but the tank is pretty well setup with some hiding spots so he should be okay