help with sick fish


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Have a large gold fish that appers to have fin and tail rot also has cloudy eyes.  Hes in a seperate tank now I've started treating him with antibiotics what can I do.  He's still eating and moving around, but tail and one front fin is staring to roting away. and there is some scale loss around one side of his gill and head area.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You are doing the right thing for now.  If you look at the disease database on this site it will give you a description of what to do concerning the disease but you are everything right for now.  Just make sure there is plenty of filtration/aeration in the quarantine tank and finish the recommended dose of the antibiotic.  The fin and tail rot is bacterial in nature and although some fish do recover they will probably not grow it back like normal anymore.  The eye disease I would suspect is probably fungal.

So good luck and just wait and pray that the goldie's O.K. ;)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I think that's a good idea to give your goldfish a salt dip.  I have heard good success stories after fin rot.  You should check out this site that tells you everything you need to treat your beloved goldfish. ;D

But you can tell if it's too late when the fish doesn't eat.  If it doesn't eat then everything will probably spiral downhill because he/she needs all the energy they can get when they are sick.  Kind of like us humans. ;D