help with some future choices?...

I am trying to save up and get a 75 gallon tank and want cichlids, but i'm not sure on what to get.
I like Africans, but I want to try some Central or South American Cichlids. What would be able to fit in a 75 gallon tank?. I was thinking a tank with Blood Parrots and Severums. Or a tank with Green Terrors, Jack Dempsey's and Convicts.

Are their any other cichlids you guys would recommend?


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2003
yay go with the blood parrots and severums.

i have 3 blood parrots, they are so funny and all have their own unique personalitys.

as for severums, i have never had any but have plans to introduce some in with my bp's when my lfs has some avaliable:p:):d

Originally posted by wayne at home
Why don't you go to youur lfs and have a look around, go to a few and see what takes your fancy. It's hard for us to recommend fish for you - we don't know what you like, and what you can get.
The ones I listed earlier I like. And I like Blue Acara's. But wouldn't the Blue Acara's be bullied if put with JD's, Convicts, and GT's???:confused:

I was at and i saw some cichlids that I never even heard of before but they are nice!. For example: I've never heard of Caquetaia umbriferus, but it's stunning!. I also saw a Caquetaia Spectabile female and she's nice(dunno what the males look like). I also saw Paretroplus menarambo, that's a nice fish!. I've heard of Blue Jack Dempsey's before and they are nice too. I wonder if they get along with normal Jd's?.:confused:

Anyway the Caquetaia umbriferus really caught my eye:D I wanna get my lfs to order some in the near future. Dunno if they get along with Jd's, Gt's and Convict's?:confused:


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO

is it that "umbee" ???????

if so, NO they would not be a good choice for you as they are a VERY large and VERY aggressive cichlid. though considered central american (and they DO have a central american cichlid attitude) they really spend more time in south america, but oh well.....

you would need a very large tank to keep an umbee, and they would not get along well with the much less aggressive GT's and jacks and such.