Help with Tank Upgrade


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Hi Guys,
I have a problem and was hoping to get some advice. (Apologizing in advance for long post).
I am becoming increasingly frustrated with my 10gal nano and want to upgrade it into a bigger tank. My reasons are the typical ones…temp fluctuation, evap, hard to clean and maintain due to small size, etc.
So basically I don’t want to upgrade to have more fish….I just want it to be more stable.

Money is an issue at the moment so I was thinking of moving my rock and inhabitants to the new tank and making it a (semi) FOWLR.
I have either my 46BF that I could use or a 37gal cube. I am leaning toward the 37gal cube because the dimensions are 20x24x18, which means the 20” Coralife 96 watt light I have will fit perfectly on the top of it.

My first question is can I keep the mushrooms I have under that light if they are placed near the top close to the light? Or will they die? I have a Sun Coral, which I assume will be ok since it isn’t photosynthetic. The only thing I think I will need to get rid of is the Green Star Polyp that I got the other day. Will coralline grow under those lighting conditions?
Will I need a skimmer? I would plan at some point to make the 10gal a sump/refugium.

Currently, I have play sand in the 37gal. I’ve read the warnings not to use play sand, but have also read others say they’ve had no problems with it. Can I take the substrate from the 10 (coral sand – basically finely ground crushed coral) and mix with the play sand or would I be better off buying new aragonite substrate and mixing it?
One issue I see with this is I probably won’t like the color………………. (I understand about buffering)

Lastly…I have Lace Rock in the 37gal tank…can I keep that in there to use as a kind of base rock and eventually it will be ‘seeded’? It’s a very porous rock in some really cool shapes, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

Opinions wanted. Thanks for reading!!!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
The only reason I would reccomend the 46 is that the dimensions provide for more gas exchange on the longer top but if the 37 cube is easier on you for setup and money reasons it is a very nice upgrade from the 10.

The shrooms should be cool under the ilght on the cube as they can live on varying types and amounts of light I wouldnt see a problem.

ON a 37 you could get by without a skimmer but if you are going to making a 10 gallon sump I would suggest looking into the new Nano Remora or the the plain Remora. If you dont want the skimmer just be vigilant on cleaning and tank maintance (but if you could it would be a valuable addition)

People have problems with the play sand because some types can contain heavy amounts of unwanted items (silica among other things.) I wouldnt reccomend mixing the crushed coral with the sand because eventually it would shift so that the coral went to the bottom and the sand on the top. Argonite sand would do nicely in the tank.

As for the lace rock using it as base rock would work (same premise as buying regular sand and seeding it wil some live sand in an attempt to eventually having it all live sand) THe lace rock will serve the same purpose as base rock that you would buy. It may take longer to seed but eventually would house living organisms.

Hope this was helpful


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Yes it was helpful, thanks!
I think the 37 is going to be the least for the time being. Down the road I may move everything into the 46, but to do so right now will cost me a lot more $$ then the 37 will. I've found some baby brittle stars in my substrate and I don't know how to locate/move them without transfering the whole substrate (plus all the other 'goodies' that are in there). I guess the easiest thing would just be to get the same kind so it wont look funny mixed. Even though I think I would prefer a fine sand over the small coral chunks. Any tips on how I might go about getting out the stars or mixing the substrate - without really mixing it? :confused:
I probably won't get a skimmer right away, but definitely something that I will purchase a little down the road - and I want to get one that would work for either the 46 or 37.
I can still use my AC70 'refugium' for some macroalgea too and water movement.

I think the only things at this point I will end up purchasing is new substrate, possibly another chunk or 2 of LR and I want to pick up a Seio powerhead. I have some AC's, but I don't think they work all that great in a bigger tank.

I think I'll be busy this weekend :D

HAHA...that quote from Ares is quite.........disturbing and funny *laughingc


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have either my 46BF that I could use or a 37gal cube. I am leaning toward the 37gal cube because the dimensions are 20x24x18, which means the 20” Coralife 96 watt light I have will fit perfectly on the top of it.<<Decent reason - I like cubes aesthetically >>

My first question is can I keep the mushrooms I have under that light if they are placed near the top close to the light?<<Yes>> Or will they die? I have a Sun Coral, which I assume will be ok since it isn’t photosynthetic. The only thing I think I will need to get rid of is the Green Star Polyp that I got the other day.<<Put it near the top - you never know, you might one day get a single DE 150 MH, or another light. It will do ok in the top 10 inches or so>> Will coralline grow under those lighting conditions?<<Quite possibly like crazy if you add a wee bit of kalk>>
Will I need a skimmer? I would plan at some point to make the 10gal a sump/refugium.<<I would. You need to get the organics out somehow. Why not drill the tank now before you start to get the thing setup, and sort out the sump. There are a lot of sump skimmer options that will be better, cheaper than a used remora. HODS are inevitably a compromise>>

Currently, I have play sand in the 37gal. I’ve read the warnings not to use play sand,<< it's bull>> but have also read others say they’ve had no problems with it.<<no reason to have problems with clean silica sand> Can I take the substrate from the 10 (coral sand – basically finely ground crushed coral) and mix with the play sand or would I be better off buying new aragonite substrate and mixing it?<<Whatever>>
One issue I see with this is I probably won’t like the color………………. (I understand about buffering)<<Or possibly you don't - above pH 8 or so there is effectively no buffering>>

Lastly…I have Lace Rock in the 37gal tank…can I keep that in there to use as a kind of base rock and eventually it will be ‘seeded’? It’s a very porous rock in some really cool shapes, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.<<If it's a limestone suck it and see>>

FWIW I have lots of wanted silica around my tank - it's called glass! Don't confuse silica sand with silicates that cause diatom problems