Help with tank


New Fish
Dec 26, 2005
Hi! Newbie here. Okay, we've done everything wrong that you could with a tank. We were given a 20 gallon tank with an 9 inch goldfish, 9 inch pleco. Had it for about 2 months. Husband completely changed water, scrubbed tank, bought new filter, etc. Everything got scrubbed. Filled with tap water, using Aquasafe conditioner. Second day, goldfish was definitely not good. Listless, etc. Went to PetSmart. They said to get another small goldfish. Didn't say anything about the fact that we scrubbed the tank. Went online, chat room said to do 20% water changes every 12 hours. Ammonia was 4. Nitrites .50. Called PetSmart, they said to continue doing water changes with distilled water and add a zyolite (?) rock pack in filter to neutralize ammonia and add more Stress Zyme. Did this for 2 days. Ammonia went down to 1.0 but Nitrites stayed the same. Went to local fish store, they said they have been in the business since 1970 and said they were the experts in the southern part of our state. He said to stop doing water changes and to never use distilled water. He has us using Shieldex every other day in conjuction with Stress Zyme for a week. Took water sample yesterday (day 3 of doing this) and ammonia is down to .50 but Nitrites are up to 2.0!! Large goldfish is looking better than he did a week ago, but still has 1 red spot under scale and kind of sluggish. They all love to eat. Have been giving them zucchini and peas. LFS said to stop feeding Tetra flakes and gave us a special food. Fish don't like it as well, but do eat it. They would eat all day long if they could. We just feed them once a day now.
If you have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them. If you think I could add Bio-spira at this point and that it would help, I will try to find it.

Sep 8, 2005
Hello and welcome to the tank. Sounds like you eliminated most of your beneficial bacteria. If you can get the bio-spira do and use it. Keep testing your water parameters and try to keep your nitrates below 40. Small water changes will help. Do not add any more fish. You have two large poop machines in a very small tank as is. Good luck. If you can't get the bio-spira try some stability by seachem.


New Fish
Dec 26, 2005
Thank you. They don't sell it here, but I think I'll order some on the internet.
Ammonia is close to zero now, but nitrites have exceeded the maximum!!
There are also bubbles all over the top of the surface now.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
honestly, i would find new homes for the goldie and the pleco. both are far too large for your 20G tank. i do agree, that most of your bacteria is gone. the best solution IMHO would be to start from scratch and allow time for your tank to fully cycle before getting new fish.


New Fish
Dec 26, 2005
The fish store said they would give me credit if my fish make it. Then I can get smaller fish. I guess I need to figure out which fish will fit and are the least maintenance!!