Help with Zoo's


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
Hi all, it's been a while I know... divorce, finished school, life....
anywho.. my problem is with my zooanthids.
Everything else in the tank are doing great, mushrooms are multiplying, green star polyps are growing ALOT, ammonia/nitrites/nitrates, etc are at great levels.
In the last two weeks or so my zoos have started to disappear. It's like they are just shriveling away slowly.

The only thing I can think of is that there are Phosphates. Do phosphates get filtered out with an RODI?

Nothing has changed in the tank. Just water changes....


Medium Fish
Jan 14, 2008
Your zoo's are probably disappearing because they are being irratated/eaten by zoo's predators. The best way to get rid of them is by looking in between the polyps for things like Sundial Snails, Nudibranch's, Aiptasia,Botyrllids and Spiders and picking them off. Then dipp your zoa colony in room temerperature RO water for 30 secs.
If that does not work try lugol's solution.

Kent Marine Lugol s Solution 1 oz.


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
Thanks for the advice.
Wondering if there is some of these other things that might be a problem....
I used some kalk to kill some tulip anemones, but none of the kalk got too close to the zoo's. Phosphates? I know my tapwater has it but don't know if the RODI would take it out.... I also got a turbotwist uv sterilizer and that was put in a little while before zoo's started to shrink, could the uv ster have an effect on them? maybe kill off a natural food source?

I have looked for predators but I think they would have got to the zoo's much earlier since nothing has been introduced to the tank for close to a year.

I had this problem with this same colony when it used to be full green zoo's with 2 that had yellow iris's... all died off except the yellow iris ones and then a few months later they started to grow again.... now it is back....

I am basically writing them off as gone but would still like to find out if there is something I am doing wrong. With how long it's been since anything has been added I can't see something getting to them now...