HELP! worms


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2005
Victoria, BC
Tiny little white dust like worms in my tank! What are these? they are almost microscopic i noticed them before and just thought it was a lot of dust. But then while watching my snails i realized they are moving!

What are they and how can I get rid of them!?

for now i just raised the tank temp cuz i didnt know what else to do.

I had them before(When I first set up my new tank), had them for about a month after adding fish, and they just dissapeared.. not sure why; either my shrimp or cories ate them, other fish, or just more frequent water changes after I added fish, or possibly a combination of both. In either case, don't worry.

Sorry I couldn't refer you to an article or tell you what they actually are.


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2005
Victoria, BC
thank you!

I am super relieved that they are not horrible monster larvae that are going to turn into 10 foot long flesh eating leaches
okay maybe i didnt think it was that extrem but i was a little freaked
thanks !

Aug 28, 2005
London, UK
I have exactly the same worms I think! I asked my lfs if they were dangerous.They said no.They are flat worms.They live mostly everywhere where there is water.Especially if your tank is not clean or you feed your fish too much (Am quilty of the latter!). Hope that help to put ur mind at rest :)

Oct 20, 2005
I had the same problem

I went to my lfs and asked them too thinking that I needed to detox my tank... They just said to stir up the gravel and get the tank nasty then do a 30% water change and make sure I scrape the walls of the tank to get them off... It is just from overfeeding or dirty tank as others have stated... I freaked out too... Good Luck


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2005
Victoria, BC
I am slow sorry

They are not on the glass. That could make sense. My tank is pretty clean... Right now I have baby snails and eggs in the gravel.

I will do a water change(30%? or 20%) and then when they are more on the tank walls I will clean the gravel. :)

Um another question my leopard dino has a little bit of white on the tip of his dorsal fin. He is acting normal and the female is normal. Does it have to be a disease or can he just be...getting old?!