Hey folks
I have a little problem here.
I have a 80 Gallon Planted Freshwater tank going, it has been up for about 2 months now. But a week or so ago I noticed this hair like algae growing on the stems of one of my crypt plants in my tank and I thought nothing about it "figured my shrimp would eat it". I have never had this type of algae in my tank before so I know nothing about it.
I also noticed today, besides this hair type of algae, I have this blueish greeish algae forming on the leaves of all my plants.
Is there anything I can do to get rid of this nasty stuff?
All my water tests show that I have good water. Could it be that I have my lighting on to long each day?
It's on for 12 hours and it's 260watts PC lighting, DIY Co2 and PMDD.
The hair like algae looks like the bristles of a grown bristle nose pleco.
If anyone could help me out here that would be great!
I have a little problem here.
I have a 80 Gallon Planted Freshwater tank going, it has been up for about 2 months now. But a week or so ago I noticed this hair like algae growing on the stems of one of my crypt plants in my tank and I thought nothing about it "figured my shrimp would eat it". I have never had this type of algae in my tank before so I know nothing about it.
I also noticed today, besides this hair type of algae, I have this blueish greeish algae forming on the leaves of all my plants.
Is there anything I can do to get rid of this nasty stuff?
All my water tests show that I have good water. Could it be that I have my lighting on to long each day?
It's on for 12 hours and it's 260watts PC lighting, DIY Co2 and PMDD.
The hair like algae looks like the bristles of a grown bristle nose pleco.
If anyone could help me out here that would be great!