
Mar 31, 2006
i have a ten gallon fish tank with to neon tetras i think they are doing good right now but my nitrite test kit did not come with good directions it sayd that if the nitrites are around 0.3 that is ideal if it is higher do y our water changes but what is higher 1.8 3.3 and what is lower 0.1 i am not shure please tell me

Mar 31, 2006
what is good nitrite

my fish tank has ben set up for about a month it a ten gallon it has good lighting and a bio wheel and it has live plants with to neon tetras right now. my nitrites read 1.8 i think there sopost to be 0.3 ideal is 3.3 good or is 0.1 good what is good and what is bad

After being set up for a month, your tank should be cycled, so your nitrite should be reading zero.

0.3 isn't ideal, it is acceptable. for a cycled tank, it should never go above zero... as in 0.0. at 3.3, I wouldn't be suprised if some fish started dieing off.

If your nitrIte(As opposed to nitrAte) is at 1.8, I'd do a few water changes.

Have you read up on the nitrogen cycle, cycling a tank, etc? If not, you reall should. There are stickied threads in the freshwater beginner's forum; they will be a big help to you.