
Oct 22, 2002
I am starting a ten gallon salt water and was wondering after i combine all the salt and use a salinity gage and everything is fine for how long should i keep the tank running? After the tank has runthat long how many and what kind of fish should i put in i heard damsels but what do you think help!!! After I have done all that what is the perfect mix and match for a ten gallon.*celebrate


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Read the articles on fishless cycling. No ammonia, no bacteria, no cycle, dead fish. It doesn't matter how long you leave a tank running for, you have to cycle it first.

Ten gallons is way way way way way way too small for 90% of the salt water fish out there. I would seriously reconsider your tank.



Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've always figured I'd start salt water in a 10 gallon. Maybe a blue damsel or two. Then again I have that 55gallon sitting in the basement. Just need to replace some glass.
BTW, for anyone replacing glass in a fish tank, it's not as easy as you'd think. And don't force the razor blade in between the glass if it won't fit. It's not worth it (you wind up with two cracked pieces not just one)

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Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
well.. this all depends on filtration.. is this tank gonna have liverock? livesand? crushed coral? but in all reality.. you would probabally get away with no more then maybe two false Percula Clowns in this tank.. and if you get things really good could have some corals.. damsels are very territorial and will not like sharing that small of tank with anyone.. so if you thinking on putting in 3-4 damsels.. this will not be a very friendly tank.. there will be lots of stress.. and where you have stress you have ICH.. to cycle this tank.. get a piece of cocktail shrimp from the grocery store and throw in there .. once you have ammonia to lets say .025ppm then you should be able to take whats left of this peice of shrimp back out.. and within a few days you will be able to test results of nitrites and then maybe even nitrates.. once you have 0 ammonia 0 Nitrites and maybe lets say 20 or lower Nitrates.. I would wait a week or two more and make sure you PH is stabled out at around 8.3 and that your nitrates are still below 20ppm, salinity around 1.023 if this is all acheived you will be able to stock your tank with preferably one fish... then let things roll for another couple weeks if you can wait this long.. and then add another fish.. like I already stated.. I wouldnt put anymore then 2 fish in this tank.. and maybe like 8 hermit crabs and 2 turbo snail.. these guys will help with the algae that you will now have from the cycling of the tank.. and forsure if you use tapwater.. there is only so much I can try and say in this one post and it only gives a few basics.. so to get even more confident and familiar with what you all need there are alot of books out there.. and alot of info on the net aswell.. just keep reading and asking questions and before ya know it you will have a sucessfull and fun saltwater tank.. oh.. and after this.. you will want to get a bigger tank.. Trust me.. I know you will.. so if you can afford it.. might wanna try this with a bigger tank right away.. you will wanna consider getting a skimmer aswell.. powerheads for current.. RO or DI unit for water.. there is alot of things that you will need to research .. so take your time.. hope this rambling makes sense.. as I am not the best at typing a sensible document.. LOL