
New Fish
Mar 19, 2007
I have a 29 gal. with one parrot cichlid, one silver dollar both about 3 inches, two bala sharks 2inches, one 3 inch pleco, 2 small tiger barbs, 1 blue gourami 1.5 inches, and a spotted catfish (unknown) he is about 3 inches long, and now the poor guy has skin missing around the baseof his top fin (uhg!!!). For the last month I have been having about 1.0 to 4.0 ammonia, I have been doing water changes and treating with Stress-zyme (weekly) trying to boost the Bio filter. Also using amquel plus (weekly basis). Now I believe that this tank is too over crowded and am being met with much opposition by my "Novice/Expert" partner. Who swears this okay.

My tank is about 6 months old.

Can I get an unbiased opinion? please. :confused:


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
does the cat look like this?

and your tank may be a bit overcrowded with some fish that probably shouldnt be with one another.
the bala sharks will get up to 14-18"
the pleco-if a common pleco-will get up to a foot long.
the silver dollar will get up to about 7" but will be like a plate, and they like to be in schools.
tiger barbs are aggressive fish, and should be kept in larger schools so they pick on one another and not other fish.
the gourami is at risk of being torn apart by the other fish

could you get a picture of the catfish?
and your ammonia is high because you have to many fish in there without proper filtration and you should be doing often water changes to help with ammonia.
and im guessing if ammonia is that high then nitrites are just as bad. those two things will kill your fish

and your "novice/expert" partner needs to buy a few books and read them.

and with that many fish im sure your bacteria hasnt caught up so your going through a mini-cycle or possibly a few.

you have a couple choices right now
a. get rid of some of the fish
b. get a bigger tank

until you decide what you plan to do, do water changes as often as possible...twice a week may not be enough. and dont gravel vac, just take water so you dont get the bacteria
and feed less. maybe every other day, the fish may not like it but theyll have a bit betetr water conditions in the end

and with the catfish...its hard to say. but his skin may just be rotting off due to water conditions


Large Fish
Sep 18, 2006
rolla, missouri
save the gourami!! poor thing will die from harrassment.

with all those fish in there (who need to be saved) you should be doign bi weekly changes. oh and really consider the fact that you need to revealuate the mix you have in there... the pleco will get big as will the sharks.


New Fish
Mar 19, 2007
Thanks much for your help. Just as I thought it's over crowded. That was not the kind of cat, I did take a pic of mine (having issues loading it). I have a friend willing to take the sharks as he has a 55 gallon. The gourami is getting a home of his own. By the way since Im using the amquel plus do you think this be beneficial, along with the water changes till all is clear?

I am running a undergravel filter w/ power head, and a power filter off the back.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
ya, try to keep up with 2 water changes a week...if you cant then weekly.
and the balas will outgrow the 55g as well most likely, thier schooling fish and like company.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Ok, your tank is way overcrowded, how did you end up with all those mismatched fish??? You need to read up on cycling, the link in my profile has some options that you can do right now to help. Especially if you know someone with an established tank!


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
Go to the fish shop where you bought these fish from and see the assistant. Punch him on the nose and put a "Closed" sign on the door..... My fish shop guy is a pain in the A**e about selling me stuff. He has to discuss everything and always remembers what I have bought before... THIS is the kind of bloke you need....
Frankly the tank you have there , The only thing you have that I would keep in it is the Gourami. But I would buy him/her half a dozen or so mates. and a few Corrie's or Khulies to do the house keeping. two or three Otos, OR a bristle nose OR two or three Hill Stream Loach to remove algae (Amado shrimp are quite good as well).... Piscatorial Nirvana