help !


Small Fish
Mar 7, 2008
hamilton ontario canada
:eek:i have a 90 galon tank

i started with 3 damsels and a stary - eyed hermit crab and a sea urchant
now i have removed all the damsels due to aggressive- ness towrds the blue tang --

what is left is :
hermit crab
sea urchant
percula clown
xanthius angel
diamond goby
many snails -- 6 ( i think )

my issue is that this morning my blue tang died overnight and i had to remove him from the live rock . ( expencive fish to loose and he was only a week old )

now my hermit crab is eating ( picking all the spines off of my poor lil sea urchant ) i have removed him and put him into a container untill i can figure out what to do with him .. any suggesions ? i feel like my tank has gone into destructo mode since i put in the blue tang ! please help


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
have u test your params? how long has the tank been running? how often are u doing water changes? what equipment? when the crabs eat something it usually means what they are eating is dead or dying ;)


Small Fish
Mar 7, 2008
hamilton ontario canada
what is a params ?
i have a 90 galon tank ..
ehime fliter
cora - life skimmer
10 lbs of live rock ( 20 lbs curing )
we do a ten percent water change every week
but the last time i brought my water in to have checked the guy said he hadnt seen a tank this clean in a long time !

Jul 19, 2007
I would get rid of the ehime filter- just a nitrate factory in the long run
I would up the pounds of rock to 90+, the more the better, in general you should have 1 lbs per gallon of rock...that serves as filteration, also you should have good water movement, powerheads can serve this purpose


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
The urchin is probably dying (not sure if its condition is related to the tang's demise). Where is the sea urchin usually found (does it roam a lot, including on the rocks and glass or does it tend to stay in one place or at the bottom of the tank where the hermits can get to it?

What's your salinity and pH? What type of water do you use (tap, RO/DI, store bought, sea water etc?).

Can you post a pic of your tank?

I'm kind of curious as to why your nitrates are 0ppm with so little live rock in the tank). How deep is your sand bed?

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Small Fish
Mar 7, 2008
hamilton ontario canada
i did some research on my own and it is quite common for a crab to attack a sea urchin -- the crab is actually a predator to sea urchins .
the sea urchins spines will grow back withn 4 days to two weeks hopefully !
this is a defence mechanisum he has
thank godness he is only bald on one side -- the poor lil guy !
i put him back into my tank -- up high on the glass where the crab i will keep you posted on how he is doing !

i will keep you posted on how he is doing :)