
Feb 19, 2009
I'm new here. I've two tanks. One is new where I plan to keep two Oscars, one Pacu, one Chiclid and one Red/Blood Parrot. I'm really confused about the cycle process. In my country I've access to gravel and for filters we have Undergravel Filters, filters like Maxi-Jet 600 Powerhead, Lifetech internal aquarium /pond filter and normal water filter. What do you think I should do? How can I properly filter my aquarium? And I want to cycle my aquarium with fish, how do I do that? Should I boil water before adding it to the aquarium?


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Are you serious about that tank setup? and I don't recommend a fish in cycle ever, its bad for fish and generally a waste of money; because many fish usually do not survive the process. Those fish together are going to require a very big tank, and I am not sure what your intentions are with the pacu because they are not for home aquaria. I don't recommend an undergravel filter as I don't think they will do a very good job supporting a tank for the fish you want.
I recommend going with some type of canister filter, that can support around 300GPH, but with all the fish you want in your tank you might want to go with more power/filteration than that
If you must have those fish grouped in that tank, just beware anything that fits in the pacus mouth is food for it. Pacus can hit 2-3 feet in length and can weigh in at a hefty 60-100lbs, so make sure you have a strong tank. I wouldn't be suprised if an adult pacu smashed a 150G tank wall. o_0

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Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Besides re-thinking your stocking plan, I suggest you take a look around the forums. I have some basic cycling information on my website linked below that might help you out. No, you shouldn't have to boil water before putting it in your fishtank, you will however have to "condition" it with a good water conditioner that removes chlorine and chloromines from the tap water. This is all explained on my site, take the time to read through it.

Feb 19, 2009
@ jo3olous, I've no intention and I'd to ask because I already bought it. I thought it was a nice fish but after some research I think I'm doomed. I went to the pet shop and they won't take the pacu and I don't want to kill the fish.
I've not seen any canister filter in our pet shop. What do you think I should do if I don't find any filter other than Undergravel Filter and power filter?
@Ich_liebe_fish thanks for the info.
@MissFishy What do you suggest if I've to rethink my stocking plan?
@Redwood_Rider Thanks!

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Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
@ jo3olous, I've no intention and I'd to ask because I already bought it. I thought it was a nice fish but after some research I think I'm doomed. I went to the pet shop and they won't take the pacu and I don't want to kill the fish.
I've not seen any canister filter in our pet shop. What do you think I should do if I don't find any filter other than Undergravel Filter and power filter?
@Ich_liebe_fish thanks for the info.
@MissFishy What do you suggest if I've to rethink my stocking plan?
@Redwood_Rider Thanks!
well.... these are some examples of canister filters:Fluval Canister Filters at

i figure that you purchased all the fish at a relatively small size. I figure you discovered the obvious reasons for why they need a giant tank. All your fish size choices reach a foot in length except maybe the parrot, the pacu gets 2-3. They are also pretty aggressive fish, and lack of space might cause more aggression because they will be competing for territory. Also they are very messy fish, which is why I recommend a very powerful filter, but if your tank is small you will need to do a lot of water changes, and im talking more than once a week. If you can shell out cash for a bigger tank, i'd go for it. For your pacu though, in a year or 2 im 99% that you will end up donating it to an aquarium, illegally setting it free (maybe legal in your country) or euthanizing it (kill it). good luck though

Feb 19, 2009
@ jo3olous
i finally convinced my pet shop to take the pacu back. for now, i'm planing to keep 2 oscars, 1 blood/red parrot and two cichlid. do you think this is a good plan?


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
well at least they cant bust your tank! :) In the next few months I would just make sure you have a 75G tank to house your oscars + cichlids, parrot. 75G is a bit cramped for all of them, but it's common for people to put 4-5 cichlids in a tank that size.

Optimally 1 oscar would have 50G to him/herself. GL with your tank and I'm glad you were able to get rid of the pacu


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
another filtration option is, in tank sponges. if your tank is a 40 gal , for example, get a sponge rated for 80 gal and use power head with it that will move 10x's the size of your tank. so staying with 40 gal example get power head that will move 400 gal per hr.

and even tho most perfer fishless cycle, if you still insist on a fish in cycle try and find some biospira which is a live bacteria and will seed your filter system with good bacteria. the next time i start new tank i'm going to try fishless cycle just so i can experence it for myself.

good luck and look at your siginature you have my quote in there and that is what will happen if you don't heed the advice given here or at least go back to that thread and re-read what was suggested to you ok. please keep us all updated with what you are doing and im sure more advice will come your way. oh and glad you were able to get rid of pacu.

Feb 19, 2009
@ jo3olous
Thank you for taking the time to inform me about the tank size and you'll be happy to know that I finally made a big tank for my oscars. I'll post pics later.
@ Whiskers
Thanks for giving me information about the power head mate. I was thinking about adding one of these. yes I've your quote in my sig, it was really funny:Dlol


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
im glad to hear you enjoy the quote hehehe. i mean no harm with what i say and like all of us just trying to give you best advice we can. keep up the good work and i'm sure your fish will live along time. can't wait to see the pics.