Helpy please!

Apr 3, 2011
Hey everyone,
Look need some advice fast!
My pleco who I have had for about 3 years looks very sick.
About two days ago I noticed it acting strangely. Erratically swimming round the tank and up to the surface. He is now lying on his back, breathing really fast and then every so often "spazing" out and then settling again on his back.
Tank is 150 us gallons and has been set up for approx 4 years. It is a common plec about 9-10 long. I have done a quarter water change.
Any advice any one?

Mar 26, 2011
Malden, MA
Have you checked your water parameters, in case there is something you've missed that hasn't started affecting the other fish yet? (a broken heater causing the temperature to be abnormal, spikes of ammonia or nitrates, have you added any new fish lately? Changed a filter pad?...)

I can't remember, but are plecos on the list of fish who don't tolerate copper medications, like cories? Someone smarter than me, please advise. I've never had a pleco.

Also, remember that every time you add a chemical to a tank you raise the osmotic pressure, which is stressful for the fish. I'd keep doing big water changes and monitoring the fish, and be sure you know what you are medicating for before adding anything to the tank.

Keep us posted. Bummer.

Apr 3, 2011
The plec is still alive. But hardly moving still in the same state as 3 days ago. Other fish seem alittle subdued/scared but fine. I have done a few more water changes and have checked nitrate, nitrite and amonia levels and they all look fine. I have two heaters and both looks fine.
I'll try that remedy tonight.
Any other tips anyone??