Herbivore Question

Jun 23, 2006
Louisiana, USA
I know I know you're not supposed to mix cichlids with other species. Just had to get that out of the way. I'm in a pickle. I just put 2 Saulosi's in my tank with barbs and a pictus who are omnivorous. The Saulosi's as you know are Herbivorous. I was wondering if I can alternate feeding an omnivore staple food with a herbivore staple like spirolina pellets every other day. Will this properly feed and give nutrients to every fish. I'm still going to feed my pictus at night with some sinking shrimp pellets and the cichlids or barbs seem to show no interest in them anyway so I'm not worried about that. Also, the pictus won't let it sit long enough anyway. Any help would be appreciated. :D
I also added an older pic of my setup, some things have changed in the tank.


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