Ok...these are ok shots. Well...I am getting a much better depth of field now (but I am using 1-4 second exposures!!!!...using a chair and a stack of post it notes as a tripod )
I think I need to make it a habbit to clean spot algae and the glass before any more photo shoots
These pics are higher resolution than normal (about 40% of the original instead of around 30%).
Finally a shot of my rescued pleco, Jorge
One of the new Cories. He would hardly stay still...so I got lucky on this. Don't even ask about the other!
Can anyone POSSITIVELY identify the species?
Here is milford again. He is nice and stays still for me more than the others
Leopardess...if you are reading this, here is your Anubias Nana cutting.
I think I need to make it a habbit to clean spot algae and the glass before any more photo shoots
These pics are higher resolution than normal (about 40% of the original instead of around 30%).
Finally a shot of my rescued pleco, Jorge
One of the new Cories. He would hardly stay still...so I got lucky on this. Don't even ask about the other!
Can anyone POSSITIVELY identify the species?
Here is milford again. He is nice and stays still for me more than the others
Leopardess...if you are reading this, here is your Anubias Nana cutting.