Here's to the start of a wonderful friendship

Oct 16, 2004
Alexandria, VA
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Hi all,

I'm pretty new to the forum, in a sense. I'm rommel39's girlfriend, and for about the past year I've been content with reading over his shoulder. But now I've got questions of my own.

I had to move to the Big Apple for school and sadly had to leave rommel39 and our lovely 20 gallon behind, just for a while. But as far as fishkeeping goes, maybe I got the better end of the stick - after a long summer and fall of searching and setting up, I am now the proud owner of a 55 gallon.

Some of you may have read (or advised on) the drama of transporting our 8 inch pleco, who had outgrown the 20 gallon, from VA to NY. Well, I'm glad to report that Bubba is ecstatic to stretch out in his new digs.

Thanks for past and future advice!

Oct 16, 2004
Alexandria, VA
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Another of our little ones made the big east coast journey this holiday weekend. Ralph, our ram, travelled from VA to NY. For the second time in a row I was reminded that he *really* does not like the dark (he was white as a ghost after the trip). But he seems to have recovered and is resplendent in all his iridescent glam-rock glory.

By the way, can I just say, I freaking love having a tank.