

Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Okay. So, we all know that I'm setting up a 20gL as a divided betta fraternity. That will leave my 10gal, my Hex5 and my 2gal hex free. The 2gal hex is going into storage. The 10gal is going into storage as well. That leaves the Hex5. I LOVE this tank and hate to see it just sitting in a box. So, I'm thinking of things I can put in this tank. Male betta is out. I don't want another one right now (I know, sounds crazy coming from me).

These are some of the options I've come up with (and how I feel about them):
Dwarf puffer (probably my most intriguing option)
Shrimp colony (eh, an idea is an idea)

And that's it. So, any other stocking ideas?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The only that are available around here are least killis. I might be able to find some online somewhere. We'll have to see.

Okay, three options maybe?
-Gardneri clown killifish (Arizona Aquatic Gardens - Killifish - Gardneri Clown)
-Endler's livebearers (a little price Arizona Aquatic Gardens - Endler's Livebearer (Poecila Wingei))
-Least killifish (available at Petsmart, as far as I know Arizona Aquatic Gardens - Killifish - Least/Lesser or Heterandria formosa)

Okay, wild idea just hit me...would it be even remotely possible to do saltwater in this tank?

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Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I really like the look of the Garderi killis. They're adorable. The problem is that they get to be 2.5", so I could really only have one (and they're recommended in groups of 5 or more). Endlers apparently get too big as well, so that's another one I'd only be able to have one or two of. AqAdvisor doesn't like ANYTHING I want! It says the least killis are even too big at 0.6"! Grrrr!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
The only that are available around here are least killis. I might be able to find some online somewhere. We'll have to see.

Okay, three options maybe?
-Gardneri clown killifish (Arizona Aquatic Gardens - Killifish - Gardneri Clown)
-Endler's livebearers (a little price Arizona Aquatic Gardens - Endler's Livebearer (Poecila Wingei))
-Least killifish (available at Petsmart, as far as I know Arizona Aquatic Gardens - Killifish - Least/Lesser or Heterandria formosa)

Okay, wild idea just hit me...would it be even remotely possible to do saltwater in this tank?

No, unfortunately.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
hey, what about a couple adf's? They're really neat lil guys. With aquariums I *have* to do something I reallly want otherwise it will turn out [somewhat] crappy <glances awkwardly at 10g, then 20g> so be sure to do something you love and are enthusiastic about !


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I think I've decided what I want. An inverts-only tank with crystal red shrimp, one other type of shrimp (blue pearl, snowball, black forest...something like htat) and one dwarf orange crayfish. I'm going to do TONS of mosses in the tank, a cool, branchy piece of driftwood (gonna go look for one today at a local lake), some nice rocks and another type of plant. I can't decide if I want an anubias/sword or a more feathery plant like cabomba or frill. Any thoughts?

I want something like this, but with WAY more moss (and green):
or something like this one: