Hexagonal aquarium


Small Fish
May 2, 2011
Hi folks,

I am thinking of buying a 40-55 gallong aquarium and have been looking at 2nd hand tanks in my area. I've seen some hexagonal tanks for sale. I am under the impression that small (2-4 inches) fish will like a long tank...is this true? Or will a hexagonal tank work just fine? I plan to have cardinal tetras, zebra danios and cory-cats...may be fancy guppies instead of cardinal tetras.



Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Most fish will prefer to have a longer tank rather then a taller tank because it provides more swimming space. It looks like the fish you named would be fine with a hexagon aquarium, except the zebra danios might be a little to active. It all depends on the hexagon's dimentions too, but if I were you I would just stay on the safe side and get a long rectangle. hope I helped!