Hey all! 29 Gallon Remix!


New Fish
Jun 2, 2011
Hey all-

I posted a similar thread in another forum, but, it seemed that the people there were more interested in condemning what I'd done wrong than providing any constructive help, so, I decided to branch out and try other places. Now, I have been keeping fish for about 9 months now, and have a well-established 29g tank. My friend more recently got into the hobby and made himself a 45g cichlid tank. While setting up the tank initially, he had a handful of non-cichlids that would have been doomed when he made the switch over, so, I rescued a few of them, which will be reflected below. Now, I plan on changing up a few things in my 29g, in light of the fish that will be leaving, so, I could use some advice.

In there now are:

2 Honey Gourami
3 Cory Cats (1 green, 2 rabouti)
1 Bolivian Ram
3 Bala Sharks (Rescued, will be going back to a LFS or another tank)
1 Albino Rainbow Shark (See Above)
1 Zebra Danio (also rescued, but, will likely be staying with me)

Now, I happened into 2 dwarf gourami that were also in need of a new home, which is part of why a change in my tank is needed. Personally, I love gourami, and that's more of where my tastes were when I started this tank, so, once the sharks are gone, I'll have:

2 Dwarf Gourami
2 Honey Gourami
3 Cory Cats
1 Zebra Danio
1 Bolivian Ram

That said, is there anything I can add to this other than increasing the danio or cory schools?

Thanks in advance.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome to the forum! Not 'condemning' your choices, but offering a word of caution: dwarf gouramis are often trouble with other gouramis. You may find they pick on your honeys. Also, if both dwarves are male, they may fight with each other. Keep an eye on them - you may have to rehome one of both of them.
You could add a variety of other fish to your mix. Livebearers would be fine, other tetras or small schooling fish like rasboras, kuhli loaches . . . . Personally I would either rehome the single danio or give him some buddies though . . . .


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I agree with Laura, and your gouramis will fight, ive owned dwarfs before. Some nice things you could add AFTER you do your 4 more zebras and a few more corys are some of what Laura said. Id personally recomend a group of Male Guppys, but dont do females unless you want fry. i have 4 Tequila Sunrise Males. There always on the getup and go. South American Bumblee bee catfish are the best fish i ever owned. There so cute but the only downside is there nocturnal and MAY pick on your cory's. Also Hatchetfish are cool and cute and add diversity.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I would suggest you read up on the Bumblebee catfish. I was curious and "Googled" them and seems they will eat anything 3cm and smaller. Don't know if that fits into your plan for other fish or not. They are nocturnal and many other fish are "sleeping" at night, therefore slower and easier prey.