Hey all fishies peoples


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2004
Winnipeg , Manitoba
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Well hello !! I'm obviously new to this forum , but not new to the hobby . My hobby started when I got a job at a petstore and knew everything about the other animals , exept fish and guess what .... they stuck me in the fish department ( and boy did I keep those fish healthy and fat lol ) . So needless to say I fell in love with this hobby and it's been draining my bank account ever since lol . I currently don't own any fish tanks now because I moved back in with my parents , but got my boyfriend back into the hobby and now we are totally addicted :p . He is on this forum too ( we are little fishs tee hee ) . Ah well I'm shure all you guys/gals will be able to help with any questions we have and I'm shure I might be able to help aswell . *celebrate

Welcomes appreciated lol ;)

Any other Winnipegers on here ?

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