Hey and some questions

Aug 6, 2003
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hey everyone im new at this board, and i have a few aquestions.

To start off i've had a tropical community tank for 3-4 years about 2 years ago and im thinking about getting back into it. I saw a 10 gallon kit that has everything i need in it for 80 or 90 dollars canadian at a local pet store. I just want to start off a small community again, with a few cory catfish,those sticky algae eaters ;) and some neon tetras, maybe a few angelfish depending on their size and if i wanna risk losing the tetras. anyhow to get to the question.

My uncle also wants to start off an aquarium (he's done it before) but he wants to breed fish and sell it to either pet stores or to people, my questions are... which are the fish that would be worth breeding $$$ wise, and how would he get into selling them, would he be able to sell to pet stores or how would he find people to sell them to.

He want's to breed fish that are kinda hard to come by but nothing big, like a 12 inch catfish...

all help would be appreciated thanks alot.


Small Fish
May 12, 2003
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Lake Malawi or Tangs are very easy to breed and very colorful and I am sure if things work out you can get a good local fish store to take them off your hands for a low price. Either that or you grow them out. Get a bigger tank at least 55 and then maybe you can get 5 bucks each. Malawis breed like crazy

Aug 6, 2003
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so the fish stores would actually buy them off my hand for a low price, and not leave me with dozens of babies right :D. sounds good ... well the tank we plan on buying now is a 10 gallon i know it would be very hard to breed in them, but first by uncle wants to see if he can still take care of an aquarium, i also plan on getting something bigger than a 10 if i can handle it, making a big community tank.


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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If you want to keep angels then your going to need a bigger tank. Angels need 10g of water PER FISH so at least a 30g is need. I'm not trying to talk you of out a 10g, just telling you that angels need more room. If you get a big community tank after you get the 10g, put the angels in that. I think they are the coolest fish and if I ever get something bigger than my 10g, I will get some too.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Oh lord...

No you can't make money breeding and selling fish... Search this board, there are lots of posts about it...

Unless you're talking ottos, most other "Sticky" algae eaters will outgrow you tank. No you shouldn't keep angelfish in a 10g they do need room to swim.

Thank you! I've been looking for a post to use that picture on :)


Aug 6, 2003
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Originally posted by AndyL
Oh lord...

No you can't make money breeding and selling fish... Search this board, there are lots of posts about it...

Unless you're talking ottos, most other "Sticky" algae eaters will outgrow you tank. No you shouldn't keep angelfish in a 10g they do need room to swim.

Thank you! I've been looking for a post to use that picture on :)

McBumbleBee ... where did you get this pic of me?

Just to get back at you im going to put 100 angelfish into the 10 gallon tank and post a picture here :D*celebrate

Last edited:
Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Seriously, it's true...there is no real money in breeding fish. In my opinion people should not make money breeding anything(but I won't get into that)

Real hobbiests breed fish because they have a passion for them, they want to try something new and like the challenge. If they can make a few extra bucks that will help with the fish food bill then its just an extra. You shouldn't breed fish for the sole perpose of making money. I don't disagree with breeding fish at all. Its very good to have local fish in the petstores. Locally bred fish are most of the time heathier and have better genes. However, when money is the motivation, animals tend to suffer, quality is overlooked and compassion goes right out the door.

Save yourself some time/money/morals and just have fun keeping fish, its well worth it without monitary reembursment.