hey everyone im new at this board, and i have a few aquestions.
To start off i've had a tropical community tank for 3-4 years about 2 years ago and im thinking about getting back into it. I saw a 10 gallon kit that has everything i need in it for 80 or 90 dollars canadian at a local pet store. I just want to start off a small community again, with a few cory catfish,those sticky algae eaters and some neon tetras, maybe a few angelfish depending on their size and if i wanna risk losing the tetras. anyhow to get to the question.
My uncle also wants to start off an aquarium (he's done it before) but he wants to breed fish and sell it to either pet stores or to people, my questions are... which are the fish that would be worth breeding $$$ wise, and how would he get into selling them, would he be able to sell to pet stores or how would he find people to sell them to.
He want's to breed fish that are kinda hard to come by but nothing big, like a 12 inch catfish...
all help would be appreciated thanks alot.
To start off i've had a tropical community tank for 3-4 years about 2 years ago and im thinking about getting back into it. I saw a 10 gallon kit that has everything i need in it for 80 or 90 dollars canadian at a local pet store. I just want to start off a small community again, with a few cory catfish,those sticky algae eaters and some neon tetras, maybe a few angelfish depending on their size and if i wanna risk losing the tetras. anyhow to get to the question.
My uncle also wants to start off an aquarium (he's done it before) but he wants to breed fish and sell it to either pet stores or to people, my questions are... which are the fish that would be worth breeding $$$ wise, and how would he get into selling them, would he be able to sell to pet stores or how would he find people to sell them to.
He want's to breed fish that are kinda hard to come by but nothing big, like a 12 inch catfish...
all help would be appreciated thanks alot.