Hey everyone!

Hi, my name is mark, and i work in aquatics at a PetsMart in Chicago. my co-workers could care less about fish and are just in it for the $, I guess i'm the only one who got the job because i love fish. ne way, i wanted to say hi to all of you and mention how good it is to find a place to talk to people who actually care about the animals.

thx for the welcomes guys!. fishdude- the pay starts at 7 an hour. not bad eh? right now i honly have a 10 gal with a swordtail, a baby pleco (who needs to be moved eventually) and about 5 ghost shrimp. this tank will eventually be my hospital tank. but im saving my paychecks for a 29 gal community tank, and a 55 gal. oscar tank.