Hey Everyone!!!


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2008
Just to check back in with everyone!

My 55 gallon tank is almost cycled! and i did it fish less!!! i am proud of myself cause when my 30gallon was not done with a fish less cycle i not only lost money but i felt horrible for the fish =(

But besides that my Oscar is getting HUGE!!! not really huge but when i got him from wal-mart... or more like SAVED him from wal-mart he was only like 1.5 to 2 inches long and now hes around 3 or 3.5 so i am excited and hes looking very healthy so hopefully he will be moving into his new home soon!!!

But my question is today! if you have an Oscar what do you feed him! i have been feeding my Oscar Cichlid Staple, the mini pellets that float! i like the floating type better cause it gives him a chance to find all the food and does not let it just sit on the bottom and go to waste!

So what crazy and cool things do you feed your Oscar! *thumbsups


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2008
Well i know they can eat Pea's shrimp and a lot of stuff like that as well as fish, just wondering if anyone feeds there Oscars a special named brand pellets or healthy diet food!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Like you said, the floating pellets are the way to go! *thumbsups
I mainly feed my oscar Hikari Cichlid Bio-Gold+ pellets, and he also gets freeze-dried jumbo krill. On occasion he'll get frozen silversides as well, and once in a while I'll give him live crayfish. He seems to be doing okay.

I'd love to see some pics of your oscar! :cool: