Hey Everyone!

Jun 3, 2009
Hey all! I'm Kylie. Been into fishkeeping for about 5 years now. I breed and raise show bettas, also keep emerald green delta show guppies, and am currently setting up for my new projects, breeding Red Marble Longfin Bristlenose Plecos, and rainbow rams. I've looked around this forum before, and decided to join since its so active and its sooo hard to find friendly active forums

Here's a bit about me:
1 - I blow out the candles on August 15th.
2 - Horses are my passion, my life, my everything.
3 - I make a great friend, and a better enemy, the choice is yours where you stand.
4 - I love john, he is my shining star, he adds meaning to this life.
5 - Envy, Rio and Liberty own my heart, I'll choose them over you any day.
6 - Betta fish are my addiction
7 - I volunteer at a horse rescue.
8 - I love minis and draft horses.
9 - I love txting.
10 - I hate drama.
11 - Im addicted to buffy the vampire slayer the musical.
12 - I stink at Guitar Hero.
13 - But will kick your butt at Gallop Racer.
14 - I love animals.
15 - I am now obsessed with Spock from the new Star Trek movie.
16 - The only makeup I will use is cover girl.
17 - Photography is my newest love in life.
18 - Country music is all I really listen to.
19 - I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet if you give me the chance.
20 - I love my life and all of the people in it.

I can't wait to get to know everyone!! *hugz*


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
lol Thats got to be one of the best ways to introduce*thumbsups Hello and welcome to MFT forums. *thumbsup2Come in and read and post and have fun!*DRUMMER*