Look who's back! haha. I've been gone for awhile. I'll fill you in on whats happened.
September 19, 2009- Completely destroyed my right hand and had to get it rebuilt. From soccer of course
Im still in the tropical fish hobby. I'm down to one tank in my room, the 75 gallon. I had to get rid of the others because i wasn't able to keep up with them due to school and other things.
School is going good! I graduate June 1st and then its off to the U of U to get my Ph.D in Quantum Physics and maybe double major in Cancer Research. I want to minor in Anthropology, Music, Culinary, and maybe Chemistry.
Its been a rough start to the new year. January 3rd, 2011, my good friend Jose Ceballos passed away in front of my school. Him and his friends were driving back from an elementary school when they took a corner too fast. He was thrown out of the truck and killed instantly. The viewing was held at our school, and naturally, i cried like a baby.
We found out that my mom has cancer. There suspecting Lymphoma. She is the reason i started doing volunteer work for the Huntsman Cancer Center and wanting to double major in college. We've been helping her get through this and not give up. Luckily its in the early stages. Slow progress is being made and we're hoping for a full recovery.
Thats what's been going on in my life. But now for the main part of the post...
I want to set my mom up with a 20 or so gallon freshwater tank. I don't know if i should go with a subtropical tank or a tropical. I want to go with a natural feel. I was thinking for the background of doing some taller plants to hide the filter pump and heater. Then for middleground, i want to add a piece of wood that has some algae growing on it. Then the foregroung will have some smaller grasses.
Fish wise, no clue. My mom loves bettas. I got her a female betta that is as red as you can imagine. Gorgeous little girl. So she will be added in. I was thinking of adding a school of 4-6 Harlequin Rasbora, some smaller panda cories, and maybe a pair of GBR's.
Any and all suggestions will be welcomed
September 19, 2009- Completely destroyed my right hand and had to get it rebuilt. From soccer of course
Im still in the tropical fish hobby. I'm down to one tank in my room, the 75 gallon. I had to get rid of the others because i wasn't able to keep up with them due to school and other things.
School is going good! I graduate June 1st and then its off to the U of U to get my Ph.D in Quantum Physics and maybe double major in Cancer Research. I want to minor in Anthropology, Music, Culinary, and maybe Chemistry.
Its been a rough start to the new year. January 3rd, 2011, my good friend Jose Ceballos passed away in front of my school. Him and his friends were driving back from an elementary school when they took a corner too fast. He was thrown out of the truck and killed instantly. The viewing was held at our school, and naturally, i cried like a baby.
We found out that my mom has cancer. There suspecting Lymphoma. She is the reason i started doing volunteer work for the Huntsman Cancer Center and wanting to double major in college. We've been helping her get through this and not give up. Luckily its in the early stages. Slow progress is being made and we're hoping for a full recovery.
Thats what's been going on in my life. But now for the main part of the post...
I want to set my mom up with a 20 or so gallon freshwater tank. I don't know if i should go with a subtropical tank or a tropical. I want to go with a natural feel. I was thinking for the background of doing some taller plants to hide the filter pump and heater. Then for middleground, i want to add a piece of wood that has some algae growing on it. Then the foregroung will have some smaller grasses.
Fish wise, no clue. My mom loves bettas. I got her a female betta that is as red as you can imagine. Gorgeous little girl. So she will be added in. I was thinking of adding a school of 4-6 Harlequin Rasbora, some smaller panda cories, and maybe a pair of GBR's.
Any and all suggestions will be welcomed