Hey Everyone!


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
its been a while since ive been here, im back in school now full time and i have a full time job so i dont have much time to do anything!!!

Just wanted to let u know that my tank is FINALLY CYCLED!!!

Thanks to all of u guys for ur help!

Ammonia, and Nitrite have been 0 for a week now and my Nitrate 20! :)


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
It started as a fishless cycle and then when i thought it was ready i bought a school of 6 pigmy cories. My nitrite and ammonia went off the roof! So someone from another forum just sending me some media from his established tank for free! As a gift lol i was lucky i guess and that helped me finish the cycle!



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i did get mine to spawn by accident right before they were sold. i only saved two eggs though. they don't seem to be difficult to breed. I'm raising my fry in a brine shrimp net(because i have tetras and angelfish in my tank and a platy. all fish that can eat eggs or fry, or even adults!), but if you want to breed them just give them a dedicated tank with no predators and they will do the rest. and you just leave the fry in there with them since they do not eat their own kind or eggs. pretty easy to raise too.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
guppies may surprising get the cory fry if they breed, but if you have enough hiding space at the bottom, then a few should survive. cory fry are surprisingly jelly-like. definitely not what i initially thought. i know pleco fry are super spiny and barely any fish would want to eat them. but cories are super soft and not spiny like i thought. easy snack for fish :(


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
guppies may surprising get the cory fry if they breed, but if you have enough hiding space at the bottom, then a few should survive. cory fry are surprisingly jelly-like. definitely not what i initially thought. i know pleco fry are super spiny and barely any fish would want to eat them. but cories are super soft and not spiny like i thought. easy snack for fish :(
really??? oohhh no good! lol
I mean if they breed, they breed! i wouldnt mind but im not really looking into breeding them tho